Experiencing Interruptions?

The Sacrifice

While young, Miranda went through a lot of sufferings : An orphan exploited and maltreated by her auntie, raped by her friend and banished from the house. However, sheltered in an orphanage and as a bold person, Miranda overcomes all this and later on she’s fulfilled by the birth of her daughter, Anaelle. It marks the beginning of a life full of sacrifices for Miranda in order to ensure a brilliant career for Anaelle who instead turns to be ungrateful. Flowering her professional activities, Anaelle encounters an influential businessman named Mephisto to whom she devotes all her success. Totally neglected, Miranda succumbs due to her grief and while Anaëlle is mourning her death in Mephisto’s arms, she discovers at her expense that the latter is the devil’s emissary who was waiting for her mother’s death to take her away.

  • Mélissa Tatsagou
    Key Cast
    "Miranda "
  • Irma Poudjeu
    Key Cast
    "Anaëlle "
  • Orly morrO Mounet II
    Key Cast
    "Mephisto "
  • Gédéon Tankam
    Key Cast
    "Rodrigue "
  • Orly morrO Mounet II
  • Orly morrO Mounet II
  • Orly morrO Mounet II
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
    Feature, Short
  • Runtime:
    38 minutes 40 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 22, 2024
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Orly morrO Mounet II

Passionné d’art et de la culture, morrO fait ses débuts dans l’univers artistique en 2009 par le canal de la mode où il en ressort styliste-modéliste ; Suivra en 2013 une exploration dans le domaine de la musique, où il en ressort auteur-compositeur et ingénieur de son dépositaire à nos jours de deux albums et de trois EP. Diplômé d’un Baccalauréat littéraire, morrO décide de se lancer dans l’exploration de l’univers littéraire en 2016, période pendant laquelle il publie son premier roman dans le genre fantastique, s’en suivront quatre autres romans et plusieurs nouvelles autoédités. C’est en 2021 que morrO décide de se lancer dans l’univers du 7e Art, d’abord en tant que scénariste, monteur vidéo-son et script doctor freelance, et par la suite en 2023, il fonde la maison de production audiovisuelle ZĒDE PRODUCTIONS qui tient déjà à son actif plusieurs films et de nombreuses productions en ligne, toutes signées par la direction artistique de morrO et forme également des comédiens en herbe via L'ACADÉMIE ZĒDE.

Passionate about art and culture, morrO entered in the artistic world in 2009 through fashion and later on became a fashion designer. Then in 2013, he explored the domain of music and came out from there as a song writer and a sound engineer. Later on, he released two albums and three EP. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in literature, morrO decided to explore the literary universe in 2016 and published his first fantasy novel the same year, and later on four other novels and several novellas edited by himself. It's in 2021 that he decided to enter into the movie industry first as scriptwriter, freelance script doctor, video & sound editor. In 2023, he founded a movie company known as ZĒDE that has produced movies and several short videos found online. It's equally implied in the training of aspiring actors via the ZĒDE ACADEMY.

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