The Power of the People: A Collective Struggle for Life and the Environment
This film features the experiences of Jobos Bay residents in
southeastern Puerto Rico. Community members strive to live good lives, while resisting the ongoing toxic assault caused by power plants and other extractivist industries that poison human and more-than-human bodies in this beautiful region and ecosystem. The Jobos Bay area residents featured in this film record and amplify their voices by literally taking power into their own hands, confronting environmental racism and
injustice. The Power of the People (El poder del pueblo) documents grave problems and urgent alternatives in the form of solar community projects that transform both electric and people power. As a methodological intervention and a form of refusal, film production team members challenge (neo)colonial filmmaking and research that often targets their communities via the extraction of images, stories, and testimonies. The Power of the People is by and for the Jobos Bay community and was made with support from longtime coalitional partners in the US Puerto Rican diaspora. These collective energies radically reimagine community documentary work and join with other people and places throughout the world struggling for self-determined environmental, climate, and energy justice.
José Luis Baerga AguirreDirector
José Luis Baerga AguirreProducer
Catalina M. de OnísProducer
José Luis Chema BaergaVideographers
Hery Colón ZayasVideographers
Víctor Alvarado GuzmánProduction Consultants
Mabette Colón PérezProduction Consultants
Hilda LlorénsProduction Consultants
Ruth SantiagoProduction Consultants
Víctor Alvarado GuzmánInterviewers
José Luis Chema BaergaInterviewers
Hery Colón ZayasInterviewers
Catalina M. de OnísInterviewers
Víctor Alvarado GuzmánInterviewees
Alberto ColónInterviewees
Aldwin Colón BurgosInterviewees
Hery Colón ZayasInterviewees
José Joel Cordero HernándezInterviewees
José Cordero SantelInterviewees
Ismenia Figueroa MatosInterviewees
Adneris Hernández RiveraInterviewees
Carmen De JesúsInterviewees
Daniel De JesúsInterviewees
Hernán Lamboy CollazoInterviewees
Humberto Martín MartínezInterviewees
Luis A. Nieves FloresInterviewees
Héctor Luis “Güito” Sánchez De JesúsInterviewees
Santiago SantelInterviewees
Ruth SantiagoInterviewees
Roberto José Thomas RamírezInterviewees
Project Title (Original Language):El poder del pueblo: Una lucha colectiva por la vida y el medioambiente
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:41 minutes 10 seconds
Completion Date:October 10, 2021
Production Budget:6,500 USD
Country of Origin:Puerto Rico
Country of Filming:Puerto Rico
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Emerald Earth Film FestivalEugene, OR
United States
April 1, 2022
Eugene Premiere
Distribution Information
Film crew (Catalina M. de Onis)DistributorCountry: United StatesRights: All Rights
José Luis Baerga Aguirre is a local film maker in Salinas, Puerto Rico. He coordinates projects with the Casa Comunitaria de Medios (Community Media House), which encourages popular education and alternative worldmaking in multimedia storytelling projects ( Baerga Aguirre is the director and videographer for several low-budget, grassroots films in southeastern Puerto Rico.