The Partisan
The story of an Israeli woman and a mother of two children who went to search for a close relative who disappeared in the chaos of the civil war in the Ukraine. Her journey led her to decide to join the rebel forces and devote herself to a foreign war, far from her home and family.
Evgenie NefeodovProducer
Katia Shepeliavayaeditorthe island (2017)
Michal Gideonsound editorFauda (2015)
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:50 minutes 42 seconds
Completion Date:May 1, 2019
Production Budget:11 USD
Country of Origin:Israel
Country of Filming:Russian Federation, Ukraine
Language:Hebrew, Russian
Shooting Format:HDV
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
I was born in the Soviet Union, and at the age of seven immigrated to Israel with my parents.
I finished film studies at the "Minshar for art" college in Tel Aviv.
The documentary "The Partisan" is my first film. It was made in the battle zones of the Civil War in Ukraine.
The film received a lot of media coverage in Israel, when the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel tried to ban the film and censor it.
My film is a voice for the civilian population of eastern Ukraine who are considered "the wrong victims" whose suffering is silenced in the media for geopolitical reasons.