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The Pale Red Dot

The Pale Red Dot is meant to instil a shared oneness in every human on the planet, regardless of race or ethnicity, religion or faith, gender or sexuality, casting aside our perceived differences. In 1990, the Voyager I spacecraft rotated its camera back at Earth and captured the legendary Pale Blue Dot photograph-a scene which revealed our entire planet as a single pixel, ushering in a profound cosmic perspective to humanity. That same perspective is needed more than ever in the world today. We need to consider that 'borders' are an artificial concept we've invented. Races, ethnicities, and ideologies are definitions we've created. The lives of human beings, however, are real, physical things that are being put in peril by conflicts across the world. This is a perspective from beyond political affairs. We're all Earthlings, after all, living in a vast and lawless universe. Let's share this tiny little speck of a planet with everyone ♡

With recent escalations of conflict in the Middle East, countless innocent lives have been lost, and countless others are being placed in jeopardy by the aerial and ground attacks exchanged between major powers. The Pale Red Dot is a cosmic perspective film that's raising money for the Red Cross' Middle East Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. By donating, you're helping the people in the midst of this conflict who need medical and/or psychosocial care, as well as food, water, shelter, and other basic human necessities. 100% of donations will be given to the cause.

Every donation counts: https://gofund.me/fbaee381

  • Nathan Hellner-Mestelman
    Seeing Beyond, Universe Versus You
  • Nathan Hellner-Mestelman
    Seeing Beyond, Universe Versus You
  • Nathan Hellner-Mestelman
    Seeing Beyond, Universe Versus You
  • Project Type:
    Animation, Documentary, Short, Student
  • Genres:
    science, war, peace, politics, space, perspective, universe, equality
  • Runtime:
    5 minutes 54 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    October 18, 2023
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - Mount Douglas Secondary School
Director Biography - Nathan Hellner-Mestelman

Nathan Hellner-Mestelman is a 16-year-old astronomy enthusiast in Grade 11. He has loved astronomy since before he can remember. He is a passionate writer and communicator of all things science, notably in the areas of physics and astronomy. He recently began producing films and soundtracks relating to humanity's place in the universe, and enjoys communicating scientific concepts through art and music.

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Director Statement

In the thick of human society, we've spent our entire lives surrounded by preconceived notions, accepted facts, systems we simply take for granted, and intense political doctrines warring over the minds and lands of planet Earth. But what happens when we take a step back, up, and out? Come on a journey to the edge of our universe––the cosmic perspective that Carl Sagan inspired us all to cherish.