The Mother of All Lies
'The Mother of All Lies' follows the unravelling of a seemingly normal family when a mother’s long-standing cancer diagnosis is exposed as a meticulously maintained hoax, forcing a brother and sister to decode years of secrets, lies and simmering resentments in their search for truth and forgiveness.
Michael HerrmannWriterNovels (both published by Fremantle Press): 'bigjesustrashcan' and 'breakfastinfur'. Stage musicals: 'Earth Girls Are Easy' (Village Gate Theatre, NYC, 2002) and 'Gabba Gabba Hey!' (Australian & German seasons, 2004-2006).
Project Type:Television Script
Number of Pages:30
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
Originally from Brisbane, Australia, Michael has authored the novels 'bigjesustrashcan' and 'breakfastinfur' (both published by Fremantle Arts Centre Press), as well as written books for the stage musicals 'Earth Girls Are Easy' (Village Gate Theatre, NYC, 2002) and 'Gabba Gabba Hey!', based on songs by the Ramones (Australian, German and Swiss seasons, 2004 – 2006).
Additionally, he has an unpublished manuscript for a novel entitled 'Pretty/Vacant' (a vom rom com about weight loss and body dysphoria – a ‘snuff’ 'Clueless', basically) and is also working on a further TV series entitled 'Divine Madness', which is about a disillusioned Pope who, after enduring years of silence from God, one morning wakes up pregnant.
Michael divides his time between London and Folkestone with his husband, Flynn, and their two Bernese Mountain Dogs, Rollo and Major Tom.
'The Mother of All Lies' is filled with pathos, moral ambiguity, and very dark humour. It’s an 8-episode series where two 'Families' – 'Modern' and 'Addams' – collide, a gothic dramedy that challenges definitions of love, trust, identity, and self-preservation in a world where no one gets out alive.