Private Project

The Irresolute

Five people go into a room where they tell a sixth person about themselves. They all have histrionic personalities and want advice: about love, time, success and freedom. But the last one, who knows his counterpart best, only confides in him and dismisses him so that he can close the threads of the story.

  • Anna Carpenzano
  • Anna Carpenzano
  • Angelica Paladini
  • Viviana Pungì
    Key Cast
  • Anna Carpenzano
    Key Cast
  • Michele Zaccagnino
    Key Cast
  • Angelica Paladini
    Key Cast
  • Adalberto Raffaelli
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Comedy, Drama, Fiction
  • Runtime:
    7 minutes 10 seconds
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    ProRes converted in H.264
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Anna Carpenzano

Anna Carpenzano was born in Ragusa, Sicily, in 1997. After a Bachelor's degree in "Linguistic and Intercultural Mediation" in Catania, she moves to Rome to complete her linguistic studies and she ends her education with a thesis in audiovisual translation. She starts writing subjects and cinematographic reviews and among them for the online community "FilmPost". Carpenzano attends workshops such as "How To Write A Screenplay", sponsored by the 48 Hour Film Project Italia, by the director and screenwriter Valentina Bertuzzi. In October 2022, thanks to the project "Quinto CineLab", supported by the Association CiaoLab and Accademia Togliani and funded by Regione Lazio, she realizes her first short film, "The Irresolute", together with a group of young people with various cinematographic experiences. She, as creator, screenwriter, and part of the collective direction, becomes its spokesperson. In November the short film is projected at the Tor Bella Monaca theater, and it wins the best screenwriting and best actors prizes.

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Director Statement

Il punto di forza del cortometraggio "Irrisolti" sta nella sinergia di tutto il cast che lo ha realizzato in soli tre giorni. È il frutto di un lavoro collettivo, come anche la regia, creato in occasione di un laboratorio di cinematografia.
Si è scelto di individuare Anna Carpenzano come rappresentante del gruppo in quanto principalmente ideatrice e sceneggiatrice del corto.