The Hottest Year in Human History....So Far...And Where We Go From Here
A 20 minute reflection/final warning by environmentalist Bill McKibben about what we can still do about climate change
Anne MacksoudDirectorThe Wisdom To Survive: Climate Change, Capitalism & Community
John AnkeleDirectorThe Wisdom To Survive: Climate Change, Capitalism & Community
Bill McKibbenWriter
Anne MacksoudProducerRollbacks: An Assault Against Life on Earth
John AnkeleProducerRollbacks: An Assault Against Life on Earth
Bill McKibbenKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:21 minutes 56 seconds
Completion Date:September 1, 2024
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States, United States
Country of Filming:United States, United States
Shooting Format:iphone
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
No Screenings that we know of
Distribution Information
Anne Macksoud and John Ankele established Old Dog Documentaries almost 40 years ago. Their purpose was to make films that would document the way in which American policy was negatively affecting the developing world. Since 2011 they have been making films - both short and long films- about climate change. In 2025 they put together "THE HOTTEST YEAR IN HUMAN HISTORY....SO FAR, And Where We Go From Here," a warning (but not a hopeless warning) by environmentalist and author, Bill McKibben.