The Happy Few
"The Happy Few" is a short documentary that delves into self-organized communities, explicitly focusing on eco-communities and cooperatives. This film takes an architectural perspective, shedding light on various aspects of these communities and their unique approaches to sustainable living. It draws upon an extensive field study trip conducted in August 2022, which explored 16 projects in Northern Europe. Additionally, the documentary incorporates interviews with experts within the field.
By examining eco-communities, the documentary raises profound questions about our existence and society's fundamental structures and organization. These communities serve as a crucial source of alternative perspectives, as they actively engage in experimenting with novel ways of sustainable living. They challenge established norms and traditional notions, especially within the built environment, ownership types, and how you live with others, encouraging us to reconsider the societal framework within which we operate.
One of the central inquiries of the documentary revolves around the broader applicability and representativeness of the solutions proposed by these communities. It poses the critical question of whether the approaches showcased are accessible and relevant to all or if they cater exclusively to a select group we refer to as "The Happy Few."
Alexandra Vamberg BelliDirector
Astrid Juul JørgensenDirector
Alexandra Vamberg BelliWriter
Astrid Juul JørgensenWriter
Alexandra Vamberg BelliProducer
Astrid Juul JørgensenProducer
Maria ToftKey Cast
Darinka CzischkeKey Cast
Christoph LaimerKey Cast
Janine GarthKey Cast
Martin KolaritschKey Cast
Eva MariaKey Cast
Christian LoyKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:15 minutes
Completion Date:February 28, 2023
Production Budget:6,500 EUR
Country of Origin:Denmark
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - The Danish Royal Academy