Short Film Competition entrants will adapt “Age of Kaos”, the winning script from the Short Screenplay Competition held earlier this year, to create innovative, thought-provoking films. Although working from the same script, each entrant should draw from his or her own interpretation and produce striking and original work that will impress the judges. The short film should be recognizably adapted from the screenplay, showing deference to the work while being its own creation.
Age of Kaos, by screenwriter Tim Larson, is an exploration into the nature of reality and perception. When a young nurse finds herself caring for a famous comic book writer with dementia, she struggles to find a way to help him escape the terror and loneliness of a world that only he can see.
The script crosses genres, rooted partly in the comic book universe of the writer (Art Weaver/Captain Karma) and partly in the dementia care facility where his caregiver works (Nurse Alex/Alexandra). The competition is designed to offer filmmakers a chance to showcase their creativity, demonstrate their technical skills and resonate a meaningful message and cinematic experience with an audience.
Submission Upload Deadline: October 31, 2015 at 12:00 AM (EST)


The screenplay is 16 pages, and a rough breakdown follows.

CHARACTERS (5 Actors playing 9 Characters)
Captain Karma/Art Weaver
Dr. Kaos/Dr. Kraus
Alexandra/Nurse Alex
Guard/Head Nurse
Dead Cellmate

SETS (8)
Gates of Oblivion - EXT/Night
Karma’s Cell - INT/Morning, Day, Evening
Weaver’s Room - INT/Morning, Day, Evening
Dungeon Corridor - INT/Morning
Corridor Outside Weaver’s Room - INT/Day
Nurses Station - INT/Day
Garden Courtyard - EXT/Evening
Garden Outside the Fortress of Oblivion - EXT/Evening

Fortress of Oblivion
Gates of Oblivion - EXT
Karma’s Cell - INT
Dungeon Corridor - INT
Garden Outside the Fortress of Oblivion - EXT
Dementia Care Facility
Weaver’s Room - INT
Corridor Outside Weaver’s Room - INT
Nurses Station - INT
Garden Courtyard - EXT

Notifications will be sent to finalists via email by November 9, 2015. The Top 3 finalists will be invited to a public screening of their work and prizes will be announced and awarded on Wednesday, November 18th at 6:00 p.m. in Erie, Pennsylvania as part of FILM at the Erie Art Museum.

First Place Grand Prize:
$500.00 CASH (USD), Free admission to all 2016 GEFO Seminars ($60 Value), Film Society NWPA Membership Card ($50 Value), Judges Notes.
Second Place Prize:
Judges Notes, Free admission to all 2016 GEFO Seminars, and Film Society NWPA Membership Card.
Third Place Prize:
Judges Notes, Film Society NWPA Membership Card.

Submission Upload Deadline: October 31, 2015 at 12:00 AM (EST)

• July 8, 2015 – PayPal Registration Opens
• October 31, 2015 (Midnight EST) – Short Film Upload Deadline
• November 1-8, 2015 – Submissions reviewed by Judges
• November 9, 2015 – Top 3 Filmmakers will be Contacted and Invited to 11/18 Event
• November 18, 2015 6:00p.m. – Public Screening of Judge’s Top 3 Films and Awards

• Regular: $40.00 USD
• Student Directors: $30.00 USD

Entry fees are in U.S. Dollars, are per film and are non-refundable. The Greater Erie Film Office (GEFO) reserves the right to disqualify a submission, without refund of any kind, if eligibility requirements are not met including if eligibility status changes post-submission.

Students: Entry fees for Student Directors will be discounted at US$30, upon receipt by GEFO of a photocopy of a current and valid student ID card or a letter from an accredited school, verifying enrollment (K-12 or College/Secondary). Student films made with funding from a university or other institution are welcome, but if the school or institution holds the rights to the film, you will need their permission for entry.

To be eligible for consideration:
(1) Entrants must fully comply with the competitions Rules & Terms, including all deadlines, film length, entry material and other requirements.
(2) Non-English language works must have English subtitles embedded on-screen at the time submitted. Dialogue lists will not be accepted.
(3) The film MUST maintain World Premiere status prior to Contest’s Public Screening on Wednesday, November 18th at 6:00 p.m.

1. Only Pennsylvania residents are eligible.
2. Submissions will not be accepted without PayPal payment via PayPal submission information must be filled out completely. There are no fee waivers.
3. Submissions must use the screenplay “Age of Kaos” by Tim Larson.
4. In order to protect our competition screenplay, you will be emailed the complete “Age of Kaos” script once PayPal receipt has been confirmed.
5. Filmmakers may submit more than one film; however, a separate submission form and payment will be required for each film.
6. Entrants shall retain full rights to their submissions.
7. No stock footage will be allowed.
8. All music used must be original and proper permission granted from the artist. Entrants are encouraged to work with a Pennsylvania state composers and/or musicians to write and record music for the films.
9. Any talent, crew, and locations (and any other applicable releases) included in the film must have signed release waivers.
10. All costs associated with film productions are at the candidates’ own expense.
11. Entries are limited to a total run time of 20 minutes, including end credits. The narrative must end before the closing credits begin. No outtakes or bonus scenes.
12. Deadline: Entrant agrees to upload their finished work and email the direct viewing link (via YouTube, Vimeo, etc) to by Midnight on October 31, 2015. Links will be verified by GEFO for judging purposes to avoid technical problems. No physical entries will be accepted.
After films have been reviewed for official rules and terms, the films will be forwarded to our judges. If your film becomes an official selection of the Greater Erie Film Office and the Alzheimer’s Association – Greater PA Chapter Short Film Competition 2015 you will be notified via email no later than November 8, 2015.
By submitting to the Greater Erie Film Office and the Alzheimer’s Association – Greater PA Chapter Short Film Competition you finalists grant the organizers permission to display the film, stills and information on the GEFO website, social media outlets, and in other marketing and promotional actions.

Judges are final and they will critique the submissions in three general areas:

1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Originality
3. Coherence
Visual creativity
1. Cinematography
2. Sound design and soundtrack
3. Editing
4. Effective use of visual effects
Overall impression
1. Enjoyment factor
2. Acting
3. Meaningfulness
4. Replay value

Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit and debit cards accepted for submission payment through PayPal at DO NOT send cash or checks.
No entry fee refunds.