The Golden Hour
Is access to an affordable housing a right or a fight? Time is ticking and there is only a limited amount of time before our society flatlines. Follow us as we film the reality of the housing crisis on the streets of Calgary
Inseon YangDirector
Myeongkeun YangDirector
Myeongkeun YangWriter
Myeongkeun YangProducer
Inseon YangProducer
Chaz SmithKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary, Short, Student
Runtime:12 minutes 12 seconds
Completion Date:June 26, 2023
Production Budget:500 USD
Country of Origin:Canada
Country of Filming:Canada
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - University of Calgary
Directors, Myeongkeun and Inseon Yang are currently enrolled in the Master of Biomedical Technology program at the University of Calgary. They are actively engaged in social activitism. With a strong commitemnt to human rights, both directors collaborated with residents of Alberta to raise awareness about the critical issue of housing crisis and homelessness in the community.
Change is only possible when actions are taken