The GeoEcoTour
GeoEcoGiro is a project based on the use of unconventional ways in disseminating scientific knowledge, particularly referring to geo-environmental issues.
It aims at involving a wide audience, especially those parts of the population not yet reached by scientific communication. The use of special topics that make sciences more appealing to the audience, as is essential, as well as the participation of testimonials
Now, more than ever, it is mandatory to provide the general public with correct and clear information on the complex scenario characterizing Italian country.
The Giro d’Italia cycling competition, given its entertainment value and popularity, has an excellent communicative potential that can be used successfully in communicating messages about prevention of natural disasters and in the protection from related risks. The connection of a sport such as cycling to the land, the duration of the races, the vastness of the territory covered, and the presence of famous testimonials, provide a unique opportunity to disseminate useful information for the risk prevention, the environmental protection, and the sustainable development.
Francesca Romana LugeriDirectorGiROSAuro
Luca Deravignoneaknowledgements
Guido Foddisaknowledgements
Project Title (Original Language):GeoEcoGiro
Project Type:Web / New Media
Runtime:4 minutes 29 seconds
Completion Date:July 23, 2021
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Born in Rome (Italy) 12.31.1959
Researcher ISPRA
Associated researcher (Camerino University)
PhD International School of Advanced Studies -University of Camerino - Environmental Science and Public Healt (2016)
MSc Earth Sciences Sapienza University of Rome (1984)
BSc Social Sciences Sapienza University of Rome (2004)
MSc Geography Sapienza University of Rome (2006)
Field of research: Teaching and Learning, Education Research, Scienti