The Gentlemen's Promise
The Gentlemen’s Promise is a comedy family genre-based short film that tells the story of a twelve years old Willy accidentally discovers the truth of Adam, his father was being fired from his job. Adam asked his tech-savvy son to assist the outdated him to find a new job and keep the secret only between them. Will the mission succeed?
Annisa AdjamDirector
Annisa Adjam & Kerry ReevesWriter
Kerry ReevesWriter
Roberto MinelliWriter
Annisa AdjamProducer
Kerry ReevesProducer
Oliver EbsworthKey Cast"Willy Thompson"
Jem RycraftKey Cast"Adam Thompson"
Veronique SevegrandKey Cast"Laura Thompson"
Lilly LummKey Cast"Allison Thompson"
Rafael Abid MajidKey Cast"Daniel"
Chao LuDirector of Photography
Ridho MekaEditor
Alisa GuArt Director
Roberto MinelliAssist Director
Johanna GrubmairCamera Assist, Gaffer
Saad Ali GillSound Recordist
Evelyn LanSound Recordist
Ronald ChiuMusic Composer
Theresa GrossalberIllustration & Animation
Edith ZhangPromo & Design
Annisa AdjamPromo & Design
Project Type:Short, Student
Genres:Family, Comedy, Drama, Narrative, Fiction
Runtime:14 minutes 16 seconds
Completion Date:January 1, 2018
Production Budget:2,700 GBP
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:United Kingdom
Shooting Format:BlackMagic
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Curzon CinemaLondon
United Kingdom
January 17, 2018
Annisa Adjam who previously used her birth name Annisa Yuditiani is a Film Producer and Director who is pretty concern about social issues. Before getting her hands-on Filmmaking, Annisa was actively involved in the exchange programs and voluntary experiences regarding; Children, Poverty, Education and Environmental issues. She finds the medium of film is a huge key player for educating people about certain important issues in order to face their lives. Movies have always been triggering her creativity and imagination since she was young that is why she has always been very interested in education aspect in the film which has inspired her to write and direct more of family genre films and animation.
The film is half inspired by the film director’s real-life story. She wants to highlight the mutual relationship between Parents and their children that they can learn from each other and solve a problem together because that is what Family for.