Script File
The Gene Rasp
A Story of Discovery and Friendship that weaves through time.
As three Doctors create a new improved World with their invention, time comes to a close for one and he finally finds...
And shares...
Love and its Immortality.
Patrick L. McConnellWriter
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:114
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
KAOS Feature Screenplay CompetetionLondon
Top 28 Semi Finalist in Feature Screenplay Competition
Won for Best Script Mammoth Lakes FF 2022. Second Place Best Script at Long Island IFF 2021. When the British KAOS Screenplay Competition ran their Feature Competition, top 14 contender to win the prize of having the film Produced. Amazon Studios had its online screenwriting site, placed as a Top Reviewer. Been active in the online production company Some contributions were used in the Emmy winning show “HitRecord On TV” as well as in LG commercials and a video game. Published three novels and currently working on the forth. An active writer, photographer, poet, graphic artist, songwriter, as well as screenwriter. One script spent four years in Development with the production company, SpectreVision, headed by Elijah Wood and was also under consideration by Tribeca.
Love to collaborate and would give my all to take part in making my Dream-Worlds come to life!
If I WON the Lottery -- I would turn my scripts into Films!
I Guess Film Festivals are my form of a Lottery {; )
But I am not what's important,
the STORY is.