The Future of Retail
In the not-too-distant future humankind's need to expand the floorage space of a doomed planet earth forces a tech zillionaire to establish a shop in space...Tom Meeten plays Tech CEO Atlas 'The direction' a man on a mission to find the perfect retail transaction... 62miles above earth, Atlas investigates all matters relating to RETAIL. Alex Kirk is Blight, the mysterious visitor..Where will it end. roll down the shutters, this store is getting hot. It's the Future of Retail.
David TarboxDirectorCarry On Keep Calm, The Ladder
David TarboxWriterCarry On Keep Calm
David TarboxProducerCarry On Keep Calm
Christopher HamptonProducerCarry On Keep Calm
Tom MeetenKey Cast"Atlas"BAFTA Nominated - The Ghoul, Padddington, Aaaaaaaah!, Sighteers, Weekender
Alex KirkKey Cast"Blight"After Life, The ABC Murders
Bradley RichardsDOP and EditorCarry On Keep Calm, Aretha Franklin: Respect, Reginald D Hunter's Songs of the BordeR, Tom Waits: Tales from a Cracked Jukebox
Renata Carrillo MartinProduction DesignerEl audífono
Christopher HamptonFilm scoreCarry On Keep Calm, The Ladder
Scott PalmerFilm scoreCarry On Keep Calm
John Dakin AngleseyScript Supervisor
Project Type:Short
Runtime:10 minutes
Completion Date:August 24, 2019
Production Budget:500 GBP
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:United Kingdom
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Portobello Film FestivalLondon
United Kingdom
September 13, 2019
Winner of best Drama