The Fantastic World of UTB (Under The Bed)

Ten-year-old, Charli is outgrowing the need for her imagination. One morning Charli discovers her younger brother Chatta is missing, and that her parents will not awaken from a deep sleep. In her search for answers, Charli befriends Dove and Sam, the only two people she can find in her neighborhood. The three go back to her house and await her brother’s return. They unknowingly use their imaginations to open a secret portal underneath Charli's bed. The three of them enter UTB and learn about Chatta’s captivity and of a wicked plot by the evil King Boris to kidnap all of the children of earth. Fearing she’s running out of time, Charli leads a rescue mission to free her brother from King Boris and reverse Earth’s settings before they are trapped in UTB forever.

  • Ericka Gomez
  • Project Type:
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Ericka Gomez

I am a story driven, African American woman from Detroit, Michigan, who grew up watching a vast genre of movies and television shows. My imagination always ran wild, and I realized I loved telling stories in the form of writing. After battling numerous bouts with discouragement, I realized I have a strong passion for screenwriting and the drive to persevere through relentless obstacles. I love to stimulate the imaginations of children as well as send adults on a journey of thought-provoking suspense. I am currently pursuing my Bachelors Degree in Special Education, but my real passion is screenwriting.

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