The Extraterrestrial Highway

Sci-Fi ~ 119 pages

LOGLINE: A Nevadan Indian and her female drinking buddy from twelve-light-years away will neutralize the electricity on the Earth unless all nuclear weapons are immediately dismantled and buried.

SYNOPSIS: The USA and Russia are about to exchange thousands of nukes but are unaware that two female drinking buddies will spoil their plans of nuking the Earth into a burned-out cinder.

Rumored to be Klaatu’s granddaughter, the quarter-human woman is bored with the simple task that the leader of her home planet has assigned her. Instead, she wants peace on the Earth now and done her way.

For the last couple of centuries, her kind has rescued abducted humans and others from the carnivorous alien species of the Alpha-Centauri star system.

The rescued humans are rushed to the Stella Hospital on planet Nexkar, the fourth planet from the star Tau-Ceti. These humans are medically cared for and cured of almost everything. Then the humans are discharged to the adaptation center to learn to become good obedient outstanding citizens on planet Nexkar and used for crossbreeding.

The Nexkarians discovered long ago that the crossbred offspring has the trait of courage that the timid pure-bred Nexkarians lack. They use the mixed breed to fly the battle saucers that the ‘old-ones’ left behind eons ago.

The pure-bred Nexkarians want to take over the Earth before it becomes a useless nuclear burned-out cinder. But how can this planet full of chicken-shits accomplish such a feat?

Also, hampering their Earth conquering plans, the Nexkarians have discovered that their enemy from Alpha-Centauri has built a base on the far side of Earth’s moon. Presumably to beam-up more humans to eat or to invade the Earth.

To deal with these issues, our two heroine female drinking buddies answer the call to duty. The Nevadan Indian female teaches and instills into her Nexkarian friends the trait of courage and bravery. Klaatu’s granddaughter is assigned to eradicate the enemy from the Earth’s moon. Also, she is given the leader’s blessing to rid the Earth of nuclear weapons, her way.

Our two heroines lead a fleet of saucers to battle the enemy around the moon using colorful explosive ordnance witnessed by many on the Earth.

The next day, as the Earth stood still, these two female drinking buddies land their saucer on a Las Vegas Strip intersection... What happens next does NOT stay in Vegas.

  • Steve Sorenson
  • Project Type:
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Steve Sorenson

Fill the movie theaters with laughs, cheers, tears, nail biters, and screamers.

Graduated from the army film school that was then at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. (1969 for Still Photography & 1972 for Motion Picture.) Afterward, I served as a motion-picture cameraman and still photographer in the United States Army Signal Corps. Some of my most notable military photography assignments were:

1)1969~71 Oakdale, PA. Provided photographic support for the army reserves and the ROTC in the Pittsburgh area.

2) 1971~72 Documenting the armistice meetings in Panmunjom Korea while avoiding capture by North Korean soldiers staring me down.

3) 1977~78 Still and motion-picture documentation of army weapons, explosives, and equipment testing at sub-zero temperatures under the beautiful Aurora Borealis at the Cold Regions Test Center, Fort Greely, Alaska without losing any fingers, or toes.

4) 1972~77 & 1985~87 Making and editing 16mm medical training film productions to include film documentation of new surgical procedures and forensic autopsy cases at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington, DC. Additionally, motion picture documentation of preventive and protective procedures of chemical and biological exposure at Ft. Detrick, Maryland without contracting any ugly or nasty micro bugs or any weird zombie-like contagious pathogens.

5) 1978~82 Instructed Army, Air Force, and Marine students the science and craft of motion-picture photography, film editing, sound recording, sound element mixing, lighting ratios/design as well as scene blocking and action/dialog directing at the Lowry AFB, Denver, CO. while maintaining my military decorum.

Now living in scenic Overton, Nevada. A one gas station quiet rural town in a valley between some mesas near the north side of Lake Mead, 75 mins from the action in Las Vegas, and 130 minutes from the UFOs and them aliens in Area 51. Currently, I enjoy terrain photography, screenwriting, and playing poker in Las Vegas.

Photography for me now is the joy of capturing the beauty of nature. Shooting animals with one of my cameras is my way of hunting. Sunrises give me the excuse of crawling out of bed, and off I go with the camera. The living colors of growth and shapes of terrain diversity seem to beg to be photographed. It is an endless pursuit to find the perfect picture that I know will take many lifetimes to find. Yet, the discoveries made along the way are the motivating currency needed to continue onward.

AS A WRITER: I enjoy writing stories about:

1) Ordinary people overcoming dilemmas and conundrums.

2) Outrageous characters doing outrageous things for outrageous reasons.

3) Stories threaded with a secondary story that meets in a logical (sometimes colliding) exciting conclusion.

I strive to accomplish in my stories a stimulation of our basic emotions of Mad, Sad, Glad, Scare, Envy, Empathy, and concluding with a Logical, Comical, or a Surprise twist. Why? I want the audience to drip tears into their popcorn, spill their drinks while laughing their asses off, to SCREAM at the screen, and run to the lobby until their courage is regained to return to their seats.

Whatever the story, I want the audience to be entertained or frightened, also, I want my stories to bring light to the possible present or future enrichment of humankind.
I want my style of writing to be uniquely original and NOT a copy of another’s design. However, my heroes in film-making are Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, Rod Serling, James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard, and S. Paul Klein.

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Writer Statement

"What happens in Area 51 stays in Area 51!"

Even the U.S. Government is clueless about all that happens in Area 51.

I was inspired to write this Sci-Fi story after I saw in Area 51 on GOOGLE MAPS -- a "Little League Style" baseball field in the northern section of that complex. It got me wondering, "why is there a baseball field on a secret installation that our government once said doesn't exist?"

I decided to write a fun story to justify that baseball field and the story developed further from there to an extraterrestrial landing her flying saucer onto the Las Vegas Strip... What happens next does NOT stay in Vegas.

With my background experience in film-making, I like my writing to have a real feel, cinematic, and visual. Also, I want my stories to have an underlining theme for the betterment of humankind.

This writer cautions that if you are about to be abducted by extraterrestrials, it is highly suggested that you B.Y.O.B. and a sandwich.