The Encarne Trilogy
The Encarne Trilogy consists of an intro sequence and the 3 shorts that were part of the official selection of Echoes Surrealiste Contemporaines 2024 and presented at the Summer home of Andre Breton in Saint Cirq LaPopie, France, on the 100th Anniversary of "Manifesto of Surrealism"
The footage for the trilogy was shot between 2007-2024
SI ReasoningDirector
SI ReasoningProducer
Cilla VeeKey Cast
LaDonna SmithKey Cast
SI ReasoningKey Cast
'U'uKey Cast
Project Type:Experimental, Other
Runtime:16 minutes 18 seconds
Completion Date:March 4, 2024
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States, United States
Country of Filming:United States, United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
April 15, 2024
French Premiere
Official Selection
SI Reasoning is a multi-instrument improvisational musician/photographer/filmmaker reared in Deep South surrealism painting with sound and light
The Encarne Trilogy is his first release
The process:
destructured intentions
smudge /-\ clarify
dust and twinkle of the outer edges of distracted perceptions
around routes overgrown with cultural cruft
the cleft dangles its vibratory aural haze
shifting the corners of the cornea to dismantle messages long past discarded from idle thoughts
bouncing across the edges of objects of human manufacture in dazzling shades of light
Curved time play in waveforms captivated by sensory organic receptors
S eeking reorganization of shared realities
I stigate neuronic pulses forming austere paths