The Echoes Of a Lost World
Title: Echoes of a Lost World
In a desolate, post-apocalyptic landscape, three curious robots discover a camera. As they browse through its gallery, they witness the story of a couple once living in harmony with nature in a cabin surrounded by lush woods. Over time, the environment decays into a barren wasteland. The woman falls gravely ill, and the man learns from a newspaper about a miraculous sapling spotted in the Himalayas. Determined to save his wife, he embarks on a dangerous journey through a desert storm, aiming to retrieve the sapling. The final revelation shows the man’s skeleton lying beside the jar containing the living sapling he fought to save, but it was too late for him. The screen fades to black with the haunting question: "What if it’s too late?"
Themes: Environmental destruction, sacrifice, hope, and the tragic consequences of waiting too long to act.
Dhruva Subrato SenguptaDirector
Devyani Sukhadev SarateDirector
Dhruva Subrato SenguptaWriter
Dhruva Subrato SenguptaProducer
Devyani Sukhdev SarateProducer
Project Type:Animation, Short
Genres:Post-Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi, Drama, Environmental Thriller
Runtime:2 minutes 45 seconds
Completion Date:September 27, 2024
Country of Origin:India
Country of Filming:India
Aspect Ratio:9:16
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No