The Darkness

“The Darkness” is a film about the other side of everything. The action all takes place within its infinity namesake - The Darkness – which gives birth to all life energies including the very first light. It must be emphasized that this film does not use “light” as reference to any spiritual energy or being. Here, light is a force in the material world, only, and light lies. The Darkness is invisible, eternal, and the force of love and beauty beyond our comprehension.

In the film three characters return to The Darkness after living out their lives and find themselves surrounded by eternal beings appearing as Black women and girls. The men slowly unpack their lives. As they do so they realize events in the “light” world distracted them from the purpose of their soul’s incarnation on earth. Two of the men thought themselves victorious in life but now see they were not. One character thought himself wretched and degraded in life but now realizes that he was one of “The We” who changed the world.

Near the end of their stories the men discover that the correct retort to Cogito Ergo Sum is, “Long before my first thought I already was.” Each of the three men speaks to the Black women and girls that they “see” around them – beings that they see but we do not. In the end each man himself transforms into a Black girl, his eternal soul. There are three Black girl characters who speak to us in the film Kamira, Sosa and Leatril. These three are sisters. They are the deeper reality of the story.

Kamira, Sosa and Leatril - and all the other eternal souls - have a purpose. They are born into bodies. They are tasked with remembering their own eternal nature and name. If they achieve this, they will remember they have sisters. Then their task becomes to locate their sisters, who appear differently as they are inside bodies that may be male or of a different race. The task is to recognize one’s sister and wake her up to her eternal nature. The reason for this task does not come into this story.

But the light lies, and it creates vivid emotional drives to grant importance to the material things, once a soul is inside a body on earth. The first character, Dr. Glory Banks, is so affected
by the violence he sees done to his father, as a young boy, that it drives the rest of his life. Glory is so filled with justifiable rage that he ends up driving a white man to commit suicide. In The
Darkness Glory will discover a deeper truth of his life. The last character, Darrick, was the most brutalized and oppressed by the light-world, of all. But Darrick lived among people who were
powerful and beloved of the Darkness. Darrick has the shattering revelation that oppression is born of weakness and represents loss. Darrick comes to see that he won.

All three characters will discover how the light realm can deceive. In The Darkness all characters will also be reunited with the beauty of love without fear.

  • Joaquin Phoenix
    Executive Producers
  • Terri Gardner
    Executive Producers
  • Hashim Williams
  • Nick Gillie
    "Never Get Out of The Boat"- TIFF & ABF Selected 2002
  • Nick Gillie
    Key Cast
    "Dr. Glory Banks; Kamira; Patrick Barthelemy; Sosa; Darrick; Leatril"
  • Hashim Williams
  • Nick Gillie
  • Dwain Perry
  • Benjamin Kitchens
  • Aziza Ngozi
  • Black-University Inc.
    Production Company
  • Okan Entertainment
    Production Company
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 37 minutes 3 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 1, 2021
  • Production Budget:
    25,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director - Hashim Williams