BoOzy' OS and the Cristal Gem (poster)
French, English, Italian and Spanish posters for the "BoOzy' OS and the Cristal Gem" movie.
💎 French title: "BoOzy' OS et la Gemme de Cristal", or simply "La Gemme de Cristal"
💎 English title: "BoOzy' OS and the Cristal Gem", or simply "The Cristal Gem"
💎 Italian title: "BoOzy' OS and the Cristal Gem", or simply "The Cristal Gem"
💎 Spanish title: "BoOzy' OS and the Cristal Gem", or simply "The Cristal Gem"
For each language, a different poster! Here are 2x3 high definition formats, but we can also provide 3x4 formats or other sizes/resolutions if necessary. If you need any additional content, feel free to ask ;)
The film was made for the Cartoon Network contest "Feet in the water, Head in the Movies", and arrived first.
💎 Synopsis (EN): Coming from outer space, an intergalactic cow invites BoOzy' OS to join the biggest animation film festival of the universe. BoOzy' imagines himself winning the competition and decides to seek the famous "Cristal", with the help of OSmic The Hedgeh' OS and other cool dudes. But the dark paunchy Mari' OS is determined to recover the loot before him.
💎 Synopsis (FR): Venue du fin fond de l'espace, une vache intergalactique invite BoOzy' OS à participer au plus grand festival du film d'animation de l'univers. Celui-ci se voit déjà en tête d'affiches et décide de partir à la recherche du Cristal, aidé par OSmic The Hedgeh' OS et d'autres mecs cools. Mais Mari' OS, sombre moustachu bedonnant, est bien décidé à récupérer le magot avant lui.
💎 Synopsis (IT): Arrivata dallo spazio profondo, una mucca intergalattica invita BoOzy' OS, un uomo preistorico muscolare, a partecipare al più grande festival di film d'animazione dell'universo. BoOzy' OS si immagina già come la star principale e parte alla ricerca di “Cristal”, con l'aiuto di OSmic The Hedgeh' OS e di altri ragazzi cool. Però Mari' OS, losco pancione baffuto, è ben determinato ad accaparrarsi il malloppo prima di lui.
💎 Synopsis (ES): Desde las profundidades del espacio, una vaca intergaláctica invita a BoOzy' OS a participar en el festival de cine de animación más grande del universo. BoOzy' ya se ve a sí mismo a la cabeza de los carteles y decide ir en busca del "Cristal", con la ayuda de OSmic The Hedgeh' OS y otros tipos geniales. Pero el gordo bigotudo Mari' OS está decidido a recuperar el botín antes que él.
J.K. ArsynDesigner
Genres:Adventure, Animation, Cartoon
Date Taken:June 3, 2015
Country of Origin:France
Student Project:Yes - AFPA