The Cold Embrace
The film is about a couple whose child has been dead for two days and they don't have the courage to bury him. After much effort, the man tries to convince the woman to bury him two days after his death.
Naji SalimiDirector
Naji SalimiWriter
Naji SalimiProducer
Project Type:Short
Runtime:8 minutes
Completion Date:December 13, 2024
Country of Origin:Iran, Islamic Republic of
Country of Filming:Iran, Islamic Republic of
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Ms. Najieh Salimi was born in 1970 and has a degree in geography, but despite her academic degree, she is interested in artistic work and has started her artistic work since childhood, and her artistic concerns have not left her alone. She has directed and produced 5 short films with the theme of social melodrama under the titles of "Number 13, Behind Those Bars, New Bride, Shida, Our Shoes Are Still Tin" in her artistic career. With the launch of the Naji Film Cinema Company, which was launched with her efforts and dedication,
My first feature film, The First Rainy Day, was written, produced, and directed by me. It was the first Kurdish film from Iran to be screened at the Dohuk International Film Festival, along with Simin Asghar Farhadi's Nader's Separation and Shahram Maslakhi's Burnt Nests. These two films from Iran were also screened at the festival.