Experiencing Interruptions?

The Coat

A homophobic, racist man, learns to love his gay son, when he buys a coat at a thrift store, which contains the spirit of a young gay man, killed in a hate crime. When the father wears the coat, he begins to see, through the eyes of the spirit, the joys of Christmas, and his sons lifestyle preference.

  • Sean Waldron
    American Hate & Injustice - Trayvon Martin
  • Sean Waldron
    American Hate & Injustice - Trayvon Martin
  • Sean Waldron
    Key Cast
    American Hate
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    26 minutes 17 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    March 30, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    2,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Sean Waldron

Employed with the Cultural Affairs Department of Los Angeles, Coordinated and supervised Shakespeare in the Park, The Angels Opera, Director, an actor with The Theater Arts Program of L.A. Cal. The State University of L.A. - Bachelor of Arts Degree in a theater.
Playwright: "Call Board Theater, and Liberty Theater - "Ground Zero" Nuclear tests on American soldiers and one man's fight to obtain justice for his radiation poisoning. The Odyssey Theater and the Harris Theater -"Shout" A group of G.I.'s going through boot camp in preparation for Vietnam. The Beverly Hills Eagle Theater - "Happy Valley" American soldiers held a prisoner in Hanoi Vietnam. Production with Tomorrow Entertainment on Movies for CBS, NBC and ABC. Wrote Directed Short films: "Injustice" depicting the killing of Trayvon Martin and the Stand Your Ground Law. "American Hate" Anti-white supremacist movie on The Black Legionnaires who set a trial for execution, to convict a black Muslim as being a terrorist, and who they believe is working within the government to commit terrorist acts.

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Director Statement

"The Coat" is a love story between father and son, and how his sons life preference pulls them apart. It takes the spirit of a young man, killed in a hate crime to bring the two together.
I wanted to tell this story with few words, and to let the action and the emotions from each character drive the story forward, and to it's resolved ending.