The Believed
The young wife of a preacher falls in love with the ghost of her murdered sister-in-law, who inspires her to violently rebel against the misogyny and corruption in her small town.
John M BroadheadWriter
Project Type:Screenplay
Genres:Horror, Thriller
Number of Pages:114
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
John M. Broadhead grew up in a rural area outside Albuquerque, NM, where he was afforded endless room for his imagination to grow from an early age. Filmmaking was his first passion, a passion which led to a number of fan films in his teenage years. Finding himself yearning for stories to tell, he eventually turned to writing his own. This turn coincided with his study of English Literature. In college he wrote his first feature screenplays and first dabbled in poetry and prose.
In the years since then, he has written seven feature length screenplays, multiple short stories, a novella and a novel. He currently lives in Albuquerque and continues writing in addition to directing independent film projects.