The Beach

An Indian immigrant loading groceries into his car realizes he has an impatient audience and a performance ensues.

  • Carlo Bruno
    In April
  • Carlo Bruno
    It's About Time and In April
  • Carlo Bruno
    It's About Time and In April
  • Javaid Malik
    Key Cast
    "Man from India"
  • Meri Spencer
    Key Cast
    "Lady in the car"
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    9 minutes 30 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    June 1, 2020
  • Production Budget:
    3,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Carlo Bruno

Carlo Bruno
An award-winning Director with over thirty-five years’ experience in filmmaking and acting. He has established himself as Writer-Director and Actor. Also serving as Producer, First AD, Cameraperson, DOP, Editor, Sound and Music Editor, Foley, Special Effects, Mixing.

Biography and Backgrounder
Early Life
Carlo was born on November 11, 1961 in Santa Fe, Argentina to an established family of theatre directors, actors and writers. At 6, Carlo took a keen interest in movie making.
First Break With the help of his best friends, he was able to put together a cast to make his first 8mm film entitled, “Matar”.
Professional Development
At age 14 Carlo was hired by the local TV as an ENG Cameraperson. He gained valuable experience editing and compiling hundreds of reports, documentaries and made-for-TV specials. He developed efficiency in camera-editing and collaborated with professional actors and reporters.
First Acknowledgment
Carlo gained recognition when he released “Historia en un Bar”, a 17 minute black and white short video. He was honored by magazines and newspaper across the country.
Taking it Global
In 1986, Carlo was hired by the Costa Rican Ministry of Culture as Technical Instructor, teaching camera, directing and production at the Centro de Producción Cinematográfica. Soon after, Cinematográfica del Itsmo hired him as First Assistant Director for a feature comedy entitled “Eulalia”, a Central American box-office hit. Carlo embodied yet another creative avenue within the film, assuming a small cameo role, which was well-received and celebrated amongst reviews.
At year’s end, he immigrated to Canada. The Canadian film and television industry were not as forthcoming with viable work opportunities. As a result, he began to produce, direct, write and edit his own short films, including the half-hour “My Field of Flowers”, which earned him a nomination for Best Director in the Drama Category at the 1990 Reel Awards in Ottawa among 300 local directors.
Carlo soon became a TV Producer for Rogers Cable Television where he won the Ontario Cable Television Production Award and the Canadian Cable Television Association Award for "Park or Pavement”, which he had produced and edited. He then produced more than 200 shows and directed approximately 150 Live Studio -TV Productions.

Leaving the comfort zone
So Carlo decided to take a chance by leaving the workplace to continue pursuing his dream. With the financial support of private investors, he wrote and developed a screenplay entitled, “It’s About Time”, an action adventure feature film in the genre of Back to The Future. The project was immediately noticed by Kim Dawson, Producer of “The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, who advised Carlo to join forces with Walter Von Huene, a Hollywood-veteran who has worked with the likes of Ron Howard, Robert Williams and Tom Hanks, among many others. Together, Walter and Carlo wrote the last draft and final shooting script of the film. At the moment he is Pitching his story to get financing.

A New Page
At the same time, with the advent of digital technology, he became an Independent Producer and completed a feature film called "In April" that he wrote, directed, DOP and stars in it. So far he went to win Best Feature Drama Award FMF Film Festival 2016, Vriginia USA, the Best of Show Award FMF Film Festival 2016, Vriginia USA, Best Horror Award PFFM Phoenix Film Festival Melbourne 2017 in Australia, a Nomination for Best Director Milledgeville Film Festival 2016, Georgia, USA and a Nomination Best Feature Film Milledgeville Film Festival 2016, Georgia, USA.

Awards and Nominations

In April – Feature Film – Director, Producer, Actor and Editor

Best Horror Award PFFM Phoenix Film Festival Melbourne 2017, Australia LAUREL
Best Feature Drama Award FMF Film Festival 2016, Vriginia USA Statue
Best of Show Award FMF Film Festival 2016, Vriginia USA Statue
Nomination Best Director Milledgeville Film Festival 2016, Georgia, USA LAUREL
Nomination Best Feature Film Milledgeville Film Festival 2016, Georgia, USA LAUREL

Park or Pavement – Producer and Editor
1990 Ontario Cable Television Production Award
1991 Canadian Cable Television Association Award for Excellence in Programming on the Current Affairs category

My Field of Flowers – 30 minute - Director, Producer and Editor
Nomination Best Director The Less Prix Reel Awards Ottawa Canada

Tito vs. Tito – 3 minutes – Writer- Director - Editor
Finalist for Best Screenplay contest: Frame by Sound Film Festival 2016

Carlo is a natural actor who worked in plays in Argentina and Costa Rica directed by the great late Alfredo Catania. In his lifetime he was offered many rolls however he always wanted to stick to his passion of working behind the camera. However Carlo now is the star of his latest film that he also produced and directed, DOP, was one of the cameramen and drove the truck to the set every day! He also edited, mixed it and did all the post production. His co-stars is the incredible now renowned Marina Bruno. His daughter when she was 10.


Carlo Bruno’s Filmography

Original Title: In April
Crew: Director, Story Writer, Screenwriter, Producer, Cinematographer, Editor, Sound Editor, Sound Effects, Music Editor, Visual Effects
Cast: Actor - Main Character
Year of production/release: 2016 completed
No release yet
Running time: 120 min - approximately
Type of film: Drama Horror Thriller. Feature Film

Awards and Nominations:
Best Feature Drama Award FMF Film Festival 2016, Vriginia USA Statue
Best of Show Award FMF Film Festival 2016, Vriginia USA Statue
Nomination Best Director Milledgeville Film Festival 2016, Georgia, USA LAUREL
Nomination Best Feature Film Milledgeville Film Festival 2016, Georgia, USA LAUREL

Official Selections:
Official Selection Azaldea Film Festival 2016 Mobile, ALABAMA, USA
Official Selection Halloween International Film Festival 2016 Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, USA
Official Selection Bram Stoker International Film Festival 2016 Saltburn By The Sea England

Original Title: Cotton String
Crew: Producer
Cast: Actor - Main Character
Year of production/release: 2014
In Postproduction
Running time: 70 min approx.
Type of film: Feature Film directed by Marina Bruno

Original Title: Chocolate Milk Shake
Crew: Camera Operator
Cast: Store Keeper
Year of production/release: 2013
Running time: 40 min approx.
Type of film: Short Film directed by Marina Bruno

Original Title: Civil War (first prize winner of Festival )
Crew: Visual Effects, Sound Editor
Cast: Main Character
Year of production/release: 2011
Running time: 5 min approx.
Type of film: Short Film directed by Marina Bruno

Original Title: RUN
Crew: Camera Operator, Visual Effects
Cast: The Judge
Year of production/release: 2011
Running time: 30 min approx.
Type of film: Short Film directed by Marina Bruno

Original Title: Forth Hockey Initiative
Crew: Director, Camera Operator, Editor, Sound Editor, Visual Effects
Year of production/release: 2012
Running time: 5 min approx.
Type of film: Promo Video

Original Title: Keisha Chanté Music Video
Crew: Director, Camera Operator, Editor, Sound Editor, Visual Effects
Year of production/release: 2006
Running time: 5 min approx.
Type of film: Short - Music Video shot in video

Original Title: French Monster
Crew: Director, Editor, Camera Operator
Year of production/release: 2002
Running time: 7 min approx.
Type of film: Short shot in video

Original Title: The Punchline
Crew: Director, Writer, Producer
Year of production/release: 2000
Running time: 4:54 min
Type of film: Short shot in video

Original Title: It’s About time
Crew: Story Writer, Screenwriter, Producer
Year of production/release: Not produced yet
Running time: 120 min - approximately
Type of film: Feature Film

Original Title: Friends for Life
Crew: Director, Producer, Editor
Year of production/release: 1992
Running time:
Type of film: Music Video for Jerry Lewis Telethon

Original Title: Station Sign-On (Rogers Cable Television)
Crew: Director, Producer, Camera Operator, Editor
Year of production/release: 1992
Running time: 4:55 min
Type of film: Images for station’s sign-on

Original Title:
Kiwanis Duck Race
Crew: Producer, Editor
Year of production/release: 1992
Running time:
Type of film: Documentary

Original Title: Sleeping Children Around the World
Crew: Director, Producer, Editor
Year of production/release: 1991
Running time: 28 min
Type of film: Documentary

Original Title: Equity in Law
Crew: Producer, Editor
Year of production/release: 1991
Running time:
Type of film: Documentary

Original Title: Boy in Blue
Crew: Director, Producer, Camera Operator, Editor
Year of production/release: 1991
Running time: 28 min
Type of film: Documentary shot in video

Original Title: Park or Pavement
Crew: Producer, Editor
Year of production/release: 1990
Running time: 24:30 min
Type of film: Documentary shot in video

Awards and Nominations:
1990 Ontario Cable Television Production Award
1991 Canadian Cable Television Association Award for Excellence in Programming on the Current Affairs category
Original Title: Rogers Cable Television (former Skyline Television – Ottawa)
Crew: Director of approximately 150 shows/episodes
Year of production/release: 1990 - 1992
Running time: 28 min approx. per show
Type of film: Shows for Cable TV

Original Title: Rogers Cable Television (former Skyline Television – Ottawa)
Crew: Producer of approximately 200 shows/episodes
Year of production/release: 1990 - 1992
Running time: 28 min approx. per show
Type of film: Shows for Cable TV

Original Title:
My Field of Flowers
Crew: Director, Writer, Producer, Editor, Sound Editor, Sound Effects, Music Editor, Visual Effects
Year of production/release 1989
Running time: 27 min
Type of film: Short film shot in 16 mm

Awards and Nominations:
Nomination Best Director The Less Prix Reel Awards Ottawa Canada

Original Title/English Title: Man in the Elevator
Crew: First AD
Year of production/release: 1989 (Only pre-production was completed)
Running time: N/A
Type of film: Feature to be shot in 35 mm (Canada)

Original Title/English Title: The Glass Blower
Crew: First Camera Operator
Year of production/release: 1988
Running time:
Type of film: TV Movie Drama (Canada)

Original Title/English Title: Eulalia (Produced by Cinematográfica del Istmo)
Crew: First Assistant Director, Assistant Film Editor
Cast: Bell boy
Year of production/release: 1986
Running time:
Type of film: Feature Film (Costa Rica)

Original Title/English Title: Facing Life (Produced by Centro Costarricense de Producción Cinematográfica)
Crew: Advisor, Instructor
Year of production/release: 1986
Running time: 60 minutes
Type of film: Feature TV Drama (Costa Rica)

Original Title/English Title: La Visita de la Extraña/Visit of the Stranger (Produced by Centro Costarricense de Producción Cinematográfica)
Crew: Advisor, Instructor
Year of production/release: 1986
Running time: 60 minutes
Type of film: Feature TV Drama (Costa Rica)

Original Title/English Title: The Crazy World of Suzanka (Produced by Teatro Carpa)
Crew: Director, Writer, Editor, Camera Operator
Year of production/release: 1986
Running time: 120 minutes approx.
Type of film: Feature Documentary (Costa Rica)

Original Title/English Title: Several TV Segments (Produced by Lucat Publicitaria)
Crew: Camera Operator
Year of production/release: 1982 - 1985
Running time: Different lengths
Type of film: TV Segments (Argentina)

Original Title/English Title: Historia en un bar/Bar Story
Crew: Director, Writer, Screenwriter, Producer, Cinematographer, Camera Operator, Editor, Sound Editor, Sound Effects, Music Editor, Visual Effects
Year of production/release: 1985
Running time: 17 min
Type of film: Short UMATIC video (Argentina)

Original Title/English Title: Instituto Penitenciario Nacional/National Penitentiary Institute (Produced by the Provincial Government of Santa Fe)
Crew: Director, Producer, Writer, Camera Operator
Year of production/release: 1984
Running time: 28 min
Type of film: Short TV Documentary shot in Video (Argentina)

Original Title/English Title: La Ciudad de Santa Fe/Santa Fe City (Produced by the Provincial Government of Santa Fe)
Crew: Director, Producer, Writer, Camera Operator
Year of production/release: 1983
Running time: 28 min
Type of film: Short TV Documentary shot in Video (Argentina)

Original Title/English Title: News Department – Canal 13 Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz
Crew: ENG Camera Operator
Year of production/release: 1980 - 1982
Running time:
Type of film: Argentina

Original Title/English Title: El Mundo de María Azucena, an award winning children's show produced by Canal 13 Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz
Crew: ENG Camera Operator
Year of production/release: 1980 - 1982
Running time: 5 – 20 minutes
Type of film: Several Live-Action Short Videos (Argentina)

Original Title/English Title: Argentinean Government's Media Center
Crew: Freelance Camera Operator
Year of production/release: 1981
Running time:
Type of film: Video (Argentina)

Original Title/English Title: Caraicho
Crew: Director, Producer, Writer, Camera Operator and Editor
Year of production/release: 1980
Running time:
Type of film: Short shot in video

Original Title/English Title: Parapsicosis / Parapsycho
Crew: Director, Producer, Writer, Camera Operator and Editor
Year of production/release: 1979
Running time:
Type of film: Experimental

Original Title/English Title: Tito vs. Tito
Crew: Director, Writer, Producer, Cinematographer, Camera Operator, Editor (edited in-camera).
Year of production/release: 1978
Running time: 3 min
Type of film: Short film shot in 8 mm

Awards and Nominations:
Finalist for Best Screenplay contest: Frame by Sound Film Festival 2016
Official Selections:
Official Selection: Second Asia International (Wenzhou) Youth Short-Film Exhibition.
Official Selection: Lima Bean Film Festival 2016
Official Selection: Thalassaemia International Federation Video Challenge 2016
Finalist for Best Screenplay contest: Frame by Sound Film Festival 2016
Official Selection Aberdeen Film Festival Scotland 2016
Official Selection Film-Com Down Under 2016

Original Title/English Title: Los Diez Palos / The Ten Bucks
Crew: Director, Producer, Writer, Camera Operator and Editor
Year of production/release: 1977
Running time:
Type of film: Experimental

Original Title/English Title: La Sopapa / The Plunger
Crew: Director, Producer, Writer, Camera Operator and Editor
Year of production/release: 1977
Running time:
Type of film: Experimental

Original Title/English Title: Matar
Crew: Director, Writer, Producer, Cinematographer, Camera Operator, Editor (edited on camera).
Year of production/release: 1976
Running time: 3 min
Type of film: Short film shot in double 8 mm

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Director Statement

Directing is manipulating life, is creating alternative realities, dreams to be lived, by many at the same time, but most of all, it's fun.