We Need More 1984
1984 was not all Big Brother, Big Hair, Big Pants ,Madonna and Prince, it was also a great year for movies. This year The B Movie Celebration, that once a year cinematic circus now in it's 8th year, wants the B Movies of 1984 to take a bow.
The focus of the 8th Annual B Movie Celebration in 2014 is that golden year for all things cinema, 1984. Many movie pundits have made the claim that 1984 represented the paragon of both film-going and film-making. Frankly we kind of agree. With films like Repo Man, The Toxic Avenger, Night of The Comet, The Last Starfighter, Ice Pirates, 1984 turned out to be a cinematic buffet that since has not been equaled.
This year we will screening some of the best films from that glorious year, featuring live commentary from the people who made them. Never before will be such an intimate viewing experience for the true cinephile.
“At 2013's B Movie Celebration Fred Olen Ray started providing live commentary for his film Armed Response...it was nothing short of amazing” say Keith Makenas, one of this year's Celebration organizers. “for me I had never had so much fun watching a movie so we insisted that we had to expand on this idea”.
Stay tuned for our schedule as we secure out titles. As a teaser, let just say that this year The B Movie Celebration opens with a world class Comet Party.
“ We had a lot of people saying that they liked the small town atmosphere of the earlier Celebrations” says Bill Dever, founder “and they wanted us to screen the movies that meant the most to them so we decided to give it to them”.
This year the B Movie Celebration will be hosted by Joe Bob Briggs, an iconic eighties figure in his own right having hosted Drive-In Theater in TMC for ten years, followed by a four year tenure on TNT with Monstervision.
In 2014 The B Movie Celebration will take place in the artist colony of Nashville, Indiana August 8th, 9th and 10th. The new home of the Celebration is the Historic Brown County Playhouse.
In 2007, a low budget film producer, Bill Dever based in the most cinematically unlikeliest place Indiana decided that its was time that genre cinema or B Movies started to receive their due praise. The B Movie Celebration is now in its 8th year of operation and over during the past 7 years shone a light on the films and the filmmakers for such films as Toxic Avenger, Fright Night, Chopping Mall, Cry of The Winged Serpent, Brain Dead, Armed Response and many more. Over 365 films have been screened for the public often being presented by the people who made them.
Please join us on the web at www.bmoviecelebration.com and on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/bmoviecelebration