Taxi Fish
After just one night of passion, the life of a young taxi driver is turned upside down by the sudden death of the girl, the object of his new love, and by the subsequent encounter with a stranger: the anonymous driver of the car who hit her.
Sara SchiavoneDirector
Sara SchiavoneWriter
Ferrara la città del cinema (FCC)Producer
Scuola d’Arte Cinematografica Florestano VanciniProducer
Federico PasqualiKey Cast
Nicolò SalaKey Cast
Cecilia CavalcoliKey Cast
Monica MalagoliniKey Cast
Joseph RagneddaCinematography
Alex BanziScenography
Giulia ConfortiCostumes designer
Federico CantiniCostumes designer
Enrico RontiniSound
Jacopo GioacchiniSound
Jaime PalagiSound
Sara SchiavoneEditing
Giulio GhirardiniMusic
Project Title (Original Language):Taxi Fish
Project Type:Short
Genres:Thriller, Drama
Runtime:17 minutes 55 seconds
Completion Date:December 31, 2022
Production Budget:2,500 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital super35 Blackmagic Broad
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - Scuola d’Arte Cinematografica Florestano Vancini
Distribution Information
Cattive DistribuzioniDistributorCountry: ItalyRights: All Rights
Sara Schiavone, director and screenwriter, was born in Ferrara in 1996 and has had strong artistic predispositions since childhood, cultivated through painting, singing and writing short stories. After high school, she graduated in Communication Sciences with a thesis on historical and propaganda cinema and consequently, she graduated in Film Direction at the Florestano Vancini School of Cinematographic Art. She has worked as a photographer, videomaker and editor for some companies and within film productions in the direction or production department. In 2020 she made LA LUPA, an experimental short film and in the same year she was the director of "The Last Man of the Drake" documentary on the life of Mauro Forghieri. Her debut as a film director takes place with TAXI FISH, a short film produced in 2022.
Sara Schiavone, regista e sceneggiatrice, nasce a Ferrara nel 1996 e sin dall’infanzia ha forti predisposizioni artistiche, coltivate attraverso la pittura, il canto e la scrittura di racconti brevi. Dopo il diploma, si laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione con una tesi sul cinema storico e di propaganda e, conseguentemente, si diplomata in Regia cinematografica presso la Scuola d’Arte Cinematografica Florestano Vancini. Ha lavorato come fotografa, videomaker e montatore per alcune società e all’interno di produzioni cinematografiche nel reparto regia o produzione. Nel 2020 realizza LA LUPA, cortometraggio sperimentale e nello stesso anno è regista de “L’ultimo uomo del drake” documentario sulla vita di Mauro Forghieri. Il suo debutto, come regista cinematografica, avviene con TAXI FISH, cortometraggio prodotto nel 2022.