Take a Seat
After receiving her vaccine, a young woman unexpectedly reunites with her ex-boyfriend in the crowded observation room, leading to an awkward situation that forces them to confront unresolved issues from their past in the most inconvenient and amusing way possible.
Stephen James RheederDirectorBuy a Donkey, Saviour, Red Herring, Breaking Point
Stephen James RheederWriterSaviour, Red Herring, Breaking Point
André HavéusWriterRainmaker; It's a Bittersweet life
André HavéusProducerIt's A Bittersweet Life, The Rainmaker
Mekaila MathysKey Cast"Mikayla"Blood & Water, Arendsvlei, Deep State
Dillon WindvogelKey Cast"Brandon"Blood & Water
Project Type:Short
Runtime:13 minutes 59 seconds
Completion Date:December 23, 2023
Production Budget:1,630 USD
Country of Origin:South Africa
Country of Filming:South Africa
Shooting Format:Digital, RED
Aspect Ratio:4:3
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Stephen Rheeder is a director and screenwriter based in Minneapolis, MN, USA. He grew up in South Africa, attending film school in Cape Town.
He has a passion for thought-provoking films, uses the medium for others to feel seen and understood, and hopes to invoke courage in his audience. He loves the themes of grit, vulnerability, and pursuing big dreams.
With dreams of making a South African war film, he charges to win over as many hearts for his ideas as possible. At the core, he is a man in love with the art of cinema and seeks to surround himself with as many cinema lovers as possible.
This film was birthed in my own vaccination experience. The observation room lent itself to so many awkward and funny ideas that resulted in what is now "Take a Seat." My wonderful producer and friend André Havéus visited Cape Town for three months and expressed his desire to make this film with me. This short window pushed us to raise funds and finish the script. Mekaila Mathys and Dillon Windvogel were the perfect actors and I am so delighted in their performance in this film. This film is birthed out of passionate collaboration - from the Cinematography of Robin Taylor, the composing of Aramis Silvereke and the grading of Paul Paul Raphael d’Indy, we were truly blessed by a group of people in love with this craft. My hope is this film will make you laugh and cringe in awkwardness, Ultimately, I hope you are inspired by the possibilities of love. Anything can happen in 15 minutes. Enjoy!