Dr. Tak Salmastyan was born in 1963, in Armenia during the Soviet period. Since 1990 with his family, he has resided in Los Angeles, California. He was named after his grandfather Takvor. The name means "The King.” This is how Tak explains the origins of his name: "Takvor is a very ancient and traditional Armenian name, perhaps last used, prior to my grandfather, in the 7th century. Because of its antiquity, my mother told me she was afraid that when I became a young man, I would hate my first name. But throughout my youth, as it happens still to this day, my friends greet me with the sentence "Long Live the King!" Is there anyone in the world who could dislike a name like that? Several years ago, one of my friends and collector, looking to some of my work said: “You are a true master and a non-compromising Spiritual Hooligan.” I was very much pleased with the “Spiritual Hooligan” term. A few years later in my first book “Window to Freedom; Tak Salmastyan Paintings” by combining my first name Takvor (The King) and the nickname Spiritual Hooligan given by my friend and collector I officially declared myself The King of Spiritual Hooligans. I am also enthusiastic about teaching, and always considered my students as my investments for society. The ultimate reward for me as a teacher is when I can inspire my students to do the best they can in all aspects of their life. My students once wrote the following about me in their college newspaper: “People are easily inspired by this talented professor. His effect on the school is positive and inspirational.” The best compliment I ever received when a fellow professor and dean said, “Tak, your reputation precedes you – all students want to be like you.” After completing my doctorate my students start calling me Doc Tak, which always makes me smile."