Francis's life takes a dramatic turn as Communism comes to power in
post-war Albania, killing and persecuting his relatives and friends.
Xhoslin RamaDirectorSimon, Death of grandpa Trifon, Cristina's confession, Closely
Mihal RamaWriter
Xhoslin RamaWriter
Mihal RamaProducerSIMON, WOLF, 113, CLOSELY
Ndriçim XhepaKey Cast"Fr.Paul"
Amos ZahariaKey Cast"Jack"
Amri HasanlliuKey Cast"Francis"
Vasjan LamiKey Cast"Francis"
Ermira GjataKey Cast"Sarah"
Klodjana KecoKey Cast" Julia"
Edvin MustafaKey Cast"Cap"
Kristaq PiloKey Cast"Jack"
Ervin BejleriKey Cast"Simon"
Nikoll PrendiKey Cast"Jack"
Dalvin QytezaKey Cast"Francis"
Ergys ÇekreziKey Cast"Louse"
Jorida MetaKey Cast"Josephine"
Armand XhuliKey Cast"Nicholas"
Deljana TopulliKey Cast"Missionary"
Project Title (Original Language):LEGJENDA E BASTUNIT
Project Type:Feature
Runtime:1 hour 45 minutes 20 seconds
Completion Date:May 1, 2022
Production Budget:200,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Albania
Country of Filming:Albania
Shooting Format:ARRI PRO RES 4444
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
For fifty years the Albanian Communist Party tortured and murdered thousands of people because they never accepted to collaborate with the communist regime. The two main characters of the film are not just two brothers with different personalities, but they are also representatives of two different mindsets. This is the struggle between the big brother, who is not satisfied with whatever he has, and the little one, who is satisfied with whatever fate offers to him. We must always remember and not forget the past, in order not to repeat those same mistakes in the future. Even though the story of this film is fictional, the background is based on real events. My goal was to make a film about persecution and migration, a movie that communicates to everyone because even today, along with the progress, people all around the world are still dealing with such phenomena.