The CX35 team of the "Italian Thanatocratic Society" is transferred to a new city. Their purpose is to end the lives of mortals by severing the threads of fate and recording their death following a strict bureaucracy made of predictions and calculations of a computer that seems to have premonitory powers. In the team, however, there are those who do not let themselves be carried away by blind faith and try to refute the Thanatocratic principles in every possible way. Can bureaucracy be mistaken for religion? What kind of system really regulates life and death?
Flavio MastrilloDirector
Flavio MastrilloWriter
Filippo SabarinoWriterEdonè - La sindrome di Eva
Claudio PauriProducerEdonè - La sindrome di Eva
Flavio MastrilloProducer
Filippo SabarinoProducerEdonè - La sindrome di Eva
Roberto TiraboschiKey Cast"Onestar"
Filippo SabarinoKey Cast"Twostars"Edonè - La sindrome di Eva
Rossano BaldinKey Cast"Threestars"
Serafino GattaD.O.P
Matteo SussioMusic & Sound design
Flavio MastrilloMusic & Sound design
Monica PlazzerScenography & Costumes
Sara PalmasScenography & Costumes
Edoardo VozzellaMakeup
Noemi CataniaMakeup
Project Title (Original Language):I PARCHI
Project Type:Short
Genres:Thriller, Sci-fi, grotesque, Surreal
Runtime:10 minutes 45 seconds
Completion Date:October 22, 2021
Production Budget:1,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Nato spontaneamente in una risaia liquamosa, viene trasportato da uno sciame di zanzare fin sulla terra ferma del vercellese nel 1994. Regista, fumettista e musicista col gusto per tutto ciò che è ignoto. Vive a Torino dove, nel 2014, è cofondatore della “Deformazione Professionale”, una compagnia cinematografica indipendente che crea corti e lungometraggi puntando a generi, estetiche e tematiche deformi e ignote. Dopo una lunga formazione artistica, Flavio Mastrillo diventa "Nalsco" all’inizio del 2016 e pubblica i suoi fumetti dal 2017 con svariate case editrici. Ogni idea nuova che genera deve prendere forma su carta o su schermo per evitare che marcisca all'interno del suo cervello.
Born spontaneously in a liquid rice field, he was transported by a swarm of mosquitoes to the mainland of Vercelli in 1994. Director, cartoonist and musician with a taste for all that is unknown. He lives in Turin where, in 2014, he co-founded "Deformazione Professionale", an independent film company that creates shorts and feature films aiming at deformed and unknown genres, aesthetics and themes. After a long artistic training, Flavio Mastrillo becomes "Nalsco" at the beginning of 2016 and publishes his comics since 2017 with several publishing houses. Every new idea he generates must take shape on paper or on screen to prevent it from rotting inside his brain.