From the outside, The City looks like a happy, carefree place.
And it actually is, to most of the people who live there... but nothing is ever what it seems.
In a lonely and cold place, the existence of a human is held prisoner in misery to maintain the neverending happiness of the people of The City.
Maris MuzzarelliDirector
Maris MuzzarelliWriter"The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas", by Ursula Kroeber Le Guin
Maris MuzzarelliProducer
Lara BucciKey Cast
Shirelle GirardinKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Genres:Drama, Voiceover
Runtime:4 minutes 2 seconds
Completion Date:May 31, 2023
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Maris Muzzarelli is a young director and screenwriter.
Since a young age, she focuses her narration around social themes and the common feelings that unites the human soul.
She graduated from Accademia Cinema Toscana and has written and directed several productions, including short films, documentaries, videoclips and commercials.
In 2020 she wins the scholarship established by Accademia Cinema Toscana with the short film “Candlelight” and in 2023 she wins the recognition “We Short Award Best Short Film”, provided by the platform, with the pilot episode “Stranger, like me”.
During and following the academic period, her working experience grows. She partecipates in both indipendent and international film sets such as My Brilliant Friend (L’amica geniale), Disclaimer and The Tower Stories, playing different roles in production, directing and extras departments.
She concludes an internship at the production company “Echivisivi” and later monitors the film script selection for the award “ALF Premi Cinema” – Pensare al Femminile.
In May 2024, both her documentary, “Parlami di te” and the pilot episode, “Sconosciuto, come me” are screened at Vicopisano and Lucca as part of events dedicated to the themes in question.
Maris, following the need to address social and inner matters using a new perspective, keeps writing and has currently under development several projects as director and screenwriter.