Five wildly eccentric individuals, each with their own twisted personalities and quirks, decide to accept a lucrative yet mysterious offer that promises them unimaginable rewards. Driven by greed, desperation, and a thirst for excitement, they embark on what seems like the deal of a lifetime. But as they dive deeper into the mission, dark and deadly secrets from their past begin to surface. Old wounds are reopened, and a former friend—once thought to be an ally—returns, now seeking revenge and determined to ruin everything they’ve worked for. Faced with betrayal, paranoia, and their own self-doubt, the group begins to fracture. Now, the question is: will they manage to stick together and see the deal through, or will the chaos of their past and their unhinged personalities drive them to turn on each other?
imad chelloufiWriter
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:21
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Language:Arabic, English
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No