TbDroneFestival is an event for those who really like aerial imagery made with drones with
excellent lectures featuring Philip Bloom as the main speaker. Our aim is to celebrate aerial cinematography and show averyone that Drones are an excellent tool and are absolutely essential for the future. Our Jury is made by Portuguese cinematographers, cinema critics, professional Photographers and the the best 10 submitions will be evaluated by Philip Bloom. We wanted to keep it simple so there is only one category: Show reel.

DJI Inspire 1 V2.0
DJI Spark

1 – Organization:
TBDroneFestival, is an annual event promoted by TBImagensAereas;

The Festival organization is the responsibility of TBImagensAereas (organizing committee), with the support of the Municipal Council of Esposende.

2 - Purpose
The purpose of the Festival is to reward productions (films) that highlight and effectively promote the use of drones to capture aerial images.

3 - Films
The Festival accepts, selects and displays productions with a maximum duration of 5 minutes, and aerial images must correspond to at least 75% of the duration of production presented.

4 – Access conditions
Participations that meet the following requirements are accepted:
• have been produced for less than three years;

Film Submition
Film submition Rules:
• Registration will cost € 30,00 (During the months of July and August 2017) only for the first film and free of charge for each additional film, paid by bank transfer to the Festival account (IBAN: PT50001000004450995000130) . During the month of September the Registration will have a cost of 50 € or through Paypal to the email martins.enes@gmail.com
• Entries must be submitted online through the e-mail info@tbdronefestival.com or through an online registration (www.tbdronefestival.com/inscricao).
• The deadline for receiving films is October 1, 2017
• Participants will be notified upon acceptance of their registration.

Each participant is responsible for the content of their work and for possible copyright issues. The participant is entitled to all rights regarding the use of his work, according to the responsibility towards third parties. TBImagensAereas has the right to reject films whose contents or technical quality do not correspond to the conditions required for the Festival.

Artigo 7 - Selecção
The selection committee, to be nominated by TBImagensAereas, will pre-evaluate the films submitted to the competition, selecting the films to be presented to the jury.

The jury, designated by the organizing committee, consists of some of these elements: film and television directors, tourism experts, film critics, journalists, cinematographic producers and higher education professors in scientific areas. It is up to the jury to evaluate the productions selected by the selection committee. This evaluation will be with complete independence, not allowing the use of its decisions. The jury, as a whole or each of its elements, has no responsibility for other prizes that can be attributed by the organizing committee.

9 - Rating criteria

• The evaluation by the jury will be carried out according to five different criteria:
• Idea
• Visual attributes (including Photography and Editing)
• Impact and relevance of information
• Criativity and Inovation
Each of the criteria will be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 10, corresponding to the 1 lowest score and the 10 highest score. The final score is the simple average of the above criteria.

10 - Disclosure
Only the 10 films with the best scores will be announced at the Festival.

11 - Nominations and Awards.
Will be attributed:
• 1º e 2º .
• The prizes are: 1º - DJI Inspire 1 V2.0
• 2º – DJI Spark

12 - Certificates of Participation
A certificate of participation will be awarded to all films enrolled in the Festival.

13 - Transmission Rights
By signing the entry form, the entrant authorizes that his / her film be presented for the promotional purposes of this Festival and be displayed publicly on the TBDroneFestival website, on television and at any public event.

13 - Exclusive Rights of the Organization
It is up to the organization to decide the date and time of the Festival, including the sequence of the films. The organization also decides to exclude films and deliberates on any other matters not included in this regulation, but related to the organization of the Festival.

14 - Additional information
For any further information or clarification you can contact the Organization by email info@tbdronefestival.com or by phone +351 913 825 205.

15 - Acceptance of Terms of Regulation
Participation in the Festival depends on acceptance of the terms of this regulation.