Stuck in the Truck (feat.Derek Sherinian)


I just feel on my own, hoping I feel truth in my soul
Hopefully it never let down, Only just for a falling secret
I just move on my own, hoping I will be strong
Hope you never drown, the size you gotta foolin on feeling
movin‘ to feelin‘
hope I never drown, only just for a foolin feeling
go movin‘ to feelin‘
you got it wrong, the feeling I’m just stuck in the truck

I'm rushing to my home, my dears are alone
One moment ruined it only just to falling pieces
I have to come, my love is waiting for...
Beautiful world Around, I always feel it on my roads
Movin‘ to feelin‘
Hard ordeal Around, Hopefully I move to feelin‘,
Movin‘ to my home
you got it wrong, the feeling I’m just stuck in the truck

and I'm rolling, like the stones

and I’m feeelin‘, I’m just stuck in the truck

  • Stefan Misik
  • Steve Misik & Co.
    Name of Band or Artist
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Rock, Alternative Rock, Post Rock, Indie Rock, Heavy Rock
  • Length:
    3 minutes 42 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    April 23, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
  • Language:
  • Student Project:
Artist Biography

Steve Misik & Co. their music is based on the concept of trying to fusion different genres, different imaginary worlds, different fantasies in every song but keeping their own face. In the lyrics they point out the civilization problems of the society and mental world of the human being. So is how they defines their musical direction for media interviews.

The band consists of musicians who have been performed in various musical projects and bands across the Europe (mostly in Spain, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Netherland, Germany, England) some of them were performed shortly as session musicians in USA. They have previously worked together in various bands and music projects, but the first official set of "Steve Misik & Co." settled in 2013-2014 during the recording of the songs for the debut album "Schizoemphatic" and creating the promo video for the cover version of Deep Purple's ¨You Keep On Mooving¨. The band "Steve Misik & Co." is generally of a harder character: progressive rock, funk, post-rock, stoner-rock, alternative-rock, blues-rock, heavyrock, metal, boogie, crossover, sometimes with some ethnic or electronic elements,... But it does not limit itself when it comes to the genre. "We just wanna play what we want, whenever we feel like it" ̶ this is the motto of this bunch. Our goal is to express our feelings, not to satisfy commerce!

The band is a project of Steve Misik, who composes all the music and wrote most of the lyrics. The band consists of musicians who have been performed in various musical projects and bands across the Europe (mostly in Spain, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Germany) the drummer were performed shortly as session musician in Los Angeles music clubs like Whisky a Go Go or the Key-Club. Band members have previously worked together in various bands and music projects, but the first official set of "Steve Misik & Co." settled in 2014 during the recording of the songs for the debut album "Schizoemphatic" and creating the promo video for the cover version of Deep Purple's ¨You Keep On Mooving¨.

Why and how this band name was born? Steve perform a long time period as session musician and singer in various lands around Europe.Therefore it was so difficult to play his own music with the same band members, every musician in different lands had also his own liabilities. So Steve had to play his music with various musicians in different lands, simply it was hard to creata a full-featured band from the start. And so the band-project name was born as Steve Misik & Co.

The way in which the band got to the recording of the debut album was very long and difficult. Steve Misik with his first band recorded two studio singles which were aired in several Slovakian radio stations and performed at various festivals in Slovakia and Hungary, beside others "Sziget Fesztival" in Budapest. First music clip was recorded at a Slovakian TV channel "VTV" based on Steve Misik's music. The band faced with the biggest misfortune, the health problems of the lead guitarist and co-founder of the band and especially a good friend. Steve Tóth had to be hospitalized. Steve Misik had to play abroad as a session musician in different projects, because of the break. That time Steve Tóth suddenly passed away which painfully affected everybody because of his creative benefit, friendship and enormous love for music (when he found out that he will not be able to play guitar after his heart surgery he fell into a coma and doctors failed to wake him). Steve Misik composed and arranged the song "My waves" based on his riffs and lyrics. They worked together on that song before his death. The album ¨Schizoemphatic" is dedicated to his memory.

And there was a funny story during recording the first single for the debut album SCHIZOEMPHATIC (whose songs was aired in some radios in USA, Brasil, Luxembourg, South Africa, Canada and Europe) while the sound engineer Rolo ¨helped the band¨ with the transmission of equipment and instruments in his car, whose acid from the accumulators has been recently poured from the boot, its seats got soaked up with it and all band members pants and assess have nearly been etched too. Basically, the band recorded the tracks for the debut album with bare asses.

The first single because of the web administrator's mistake was promoted with incorrect band name “Clone co.”, because he entered the name of the single instead the name of the band, so the band kicked his ass.

So the debut album was finally finished and the band hoped that it will delight not only the die-hard fans who remember them from various concerts but also the new listeners. When the band wanted to start with the presentation concerts of their 1st album Schizoemphatic, in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary, and they done a lot of promotion on radios and TV's throughout the country of the Czech Republic, an unpleasant accident happened to the singer - guitarist his two eardrums were broken when the plane was landing, on his way back to Slovakia to start the concerts, so the concerts had to be delayed for half a year later, and suddenly another dramatic turn of events came, the drummer fell and one vertebra of his spine broke , and had to undergo an urgent spinal surgery. The spinal surgery went well, but the group took half a year longer to begin the concerts of presentation of the 1st album Schizoemphatic. Finally in the spring of 2018 they were able to start the concerts again.

Even after everything that has happened to the group, they have always been totally involved and have an incredible desire to be heard by everyone!

The band currently working on new singles for the new album. They’re so happy that they had the possibility collaborate on one of their new single "Stuck in the truck" with such a great musician, master of keys, Derek Sherinian. (Sons Of Apollo, Black Country Communion, Planet X, Ex.Dream Theater, Ex.Kiss, Ex.Billy Idol, Ex.Alice Cooper, Ex.Yngwie Y. Malmsteen...and many more) You can hear the result worldwide 23.04.2021. Don't miss the news about the single "Stuck in the truck" Join the mailing list so you don't miss it when it's out! In addition, you can also download the last single + the whole 1st album for free.

As well you can follow the band on their youtube channel, then you don't miss any new video when it's out.

15.06.2020 the band released their new single ¨Such is life¨ with new official video clip, You can listen the new song on any streaming platform as Spotify, Deezer, Tidal etc. The ¨Such is life¨ song is downloadable for free, as well as every new single in 2020. In this hard times it's better to give everything what one can.

The recording process was very funny (till the corona pandemic problem come), because the band recorded everything online, the drums in Slovakia, the bass in Switzerland, and the vocals and the guitars in the Canary Islands (Spain), as the band members work as session musicians, for the moment they are in different countries.

Due to the current situation in the world, and the serious situation that occurred due to the corona virus pandemic, the recording and working on new songs is no longer so much fun, but the band would like at least bring with their music and videos, a bit of light into the darkness, some good vibrations and legacy that the listener can think about and perhaps can find some new views... and give strength in this battle to the future.

The recent events of the band, and events in the world, also reflects the cover of the upcoming album, where you can see the symbol of the band the feathered octopus, after all the accidents but struggling with all what life can bring. We all must fight and never give up, The world and the life are both beautiful. We must preserve them and make them more miraculous. For us and for all!

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Artist Statement

A song about moving, feelings on the road, emotions of changing life, feelings of rolling around the world, situations, circumstances around. The song is dedicated to all truck drivers, who bring us everything we need in these difficult pandemic times, often risking their lives. Their work is often underestimated, but it is a hard job. I wrote this song in memory of my uncle who was an excellent person and, among other things, a professional truck driver. He died during a car accident behind the polar circle in Sweden. The lyrics of the song deal with the philosophising thoughts about the life of a driver who rushing home. The song was recorded online in 4 countries, as each member of the band was in quarantine due to the emergence of a coronavirus in a different state, and Derek was on the other side of the globe too. The drummer recorded his parts in Slovakia, the bass player recorded his parts in Switzerland, the singer-guitarist recorded his parts in the Canary Islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, and of course Derek recorded at home in the USA. Mixing and mastering was performed by a Slovak producer living in Frutigen – Switzerland. Road trip song.