Strawberry Burnt Candy
"Strawberry Burnt Candy," is an experimental short film about candy, love and wasting time. Adapted from a poem written by the director, Valentina Matosian, the film submerges the viewer in the color red, the stickiness of love, and the pain of being forced out of it. Shot on Super8 film, the color red magnifies the viewer's experience. Red embodies the veracious appetite of a woman with uncontrollable cravings. She lives to waste an afternoon on a man who doesn't want the same and will be haunted by the memories of what was and what will never be.
Valentina MatosianDirectorZula the Infinite
Valentina MatosianDirectorDahlia's Menageris
Valentina MatosianWriter
Morgan Foitlecinematographer
Phillip CrumCast
Valentina MatosianCast
Project Type:Experimental
Genres:Romance, Arthouse
Runtime:2 minutes 19 seconds
Completion Date:February 17, 2020
Production Budget:3,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:8mm
Aspect Ratio:4:3
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No