Young student Michael Keane decides to take a walk through an abandoned field in order to clear his head.
As he is walking he receives a text message from an unknown user on his iphone. His heart drops as his eyes focus on the message which reads I see you. He begins to look around his surroundings in order to see if anyone is there, but discovers the fact that no sign of life is nearby.
Suddenly shortly after he begins to feel a horrifying presence in the area. He begins to hear eerie sounds and footsteps behind him. He begins to receive a swarm of text messages explaining what is happening and what he must do.
When he is confused and scared he begins to threaten the unknown user that he would call the police but quickly regrets that decision. Suddenly a loud electrical noise pierces through his ears leaving him temporarily deaf for a few minutes. He begins to question whether this is really happening or if it is all just in his head. He begins to question whether he in fact is the Stalker.
The film takes a dark turn when the is knocked out unconscious.
Michael KeaneDirector
Michael KeaneKey Cast
Project Type:Short
Genres:horror, thriller, action
Runtime:3 minutes 14 seconds
Completion Date:December 30, 2018
Country of Origin:Ireland
Country of Filming:Ireland
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Fresh film festival 2019Cork
Official selection and screening -
Lift-Off Sessions film festival 2019
United Kingdom
Official selection and screening
Distribution Information