On the initiative and organization of the Community of Croats in Belgrade "Tin Ujević", with the support of the Croatian Audiovisual Center, Blue Film from Zagreb, the Croatian Embassy in Belgrade, with the help of the Yugoslav Cinematheque in Belgrade and other institutions and collaborators, in 2019, the Croatian Exhibition was launched in Belgrade. movie. "In recent years, the presence of Croatian films has been noticeable at international film festivals in Serbia, as well as in the regular cinema repertoire. All film genres - short feature, experimental, documentary and, finally, feature film - are present in the selections of the festival, as and among award winners in Serbia. Regional cooperation has also shown significant results during this decade, among which are frequent co-productions within Croatian and Serbian cinematography, as well as other cinematography in the region. For all the aforementioned reasons, the need to launch a review of contemporary of Croatian cinema in Serbia, which would enable continuous monitoring of the achievements of Croatian cinematography, and the encouragement of cultural and professional cooperation of members of the Croatian minority with the native culture, and with the culture and cinematography of Serbia and the entire region. Croatian cinematography from the nineties to today shows stable trends of Mediterranean comedy, critical author's feature film, creative animation of a high artistic level, socially and culturally engaged documentary, and other types of films," said the artistic director of Smotra, Stipe Ercegović.
Na inicijativu i organizaciju Zajednice Hrvata Beograda "Tin Ujević"', uz podršku Hrvatskog audiovizualnog centra, Plavog filma iz Zagreba, Hrvatskog Veleposlanstva u Beogradu, uz pomoć Jugoslovenske kinoteke u Beogradu i drugih institucija i suradnika, u Beogradu je 2019. pokrenuta manifestacija Smotra hrvatskog filma. "Proteklih godina u Srbiji je na filmskim festivalima međunarodnog karaktera, kao i na redovitom kino repertoaru, primjetno zapaženo prisustvo hrvatskog filma. Svi filmski rodovi – kratki igrani, eksperimentalni, dokumentarni i, konačno, dugometražni igrani film, nazočni su u selekcijama festivala, kao i među dobitnicima nagrada u Srbiji. Regionalna suradnja također je tijekom ove decenije pokazala značajne rezultate, među kojima su i česte koprodukcije unutar hrvatske i srpske kinematografije, kao i drugih kinematografija u regionu. Iz svih navedenih razloga, prirodno se nameće potreba za pokretanjem revije suvremenog hrvatskog filma u Srbiji, koja bi omogućila kontinuirano praćenje ostvarenja hrvatske kinematografije, te poticanje kulturne i profesionalne suradnje pripadnika hrvatske manjine sa matičnom kulturom, te sa kulturom i kinematografijom Srbije i čitavog regiona. Hrvatska kinematografija od devedesetih godina do danas pokazuje stabilne trendove mediteranske komedije, kritičkog autorskog igranog filma, kreativne animacije visoke umjetničke razine, socijalno i kulturalno angažiranog dokumentarca, i drugih filmskih vrsta," rekao je umjetnički direktor Smotre, Stipe Ercegović.