Small Steps - They Keep West Africa Going
The film "Small Steps - They Keep West Africa Going" shows the work of the manager of the National Rehabilitation Centre (Gambia), Gabriel "Gabu" Jarjue, who studied orthopedics in Tansania and Germany. He shares his motivations and explains why he came back to one of the poorest countries in the world, and also gives us insights in the difficult work he and his employees are doing every day.
Marie CharlierDirector
Matthias LudyniaWriter
Gregor SchöneSound
Simon SteinhauserEditing
Project Title (Original Language):Small Steps - They Keep West Africa Going
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:Documentary, African
Runtime:52 minutes
Completion Date:December 7, 2018
Production Budget:0 EUR
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Gambia
Shooting Format:Digital, HD
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
March 14, 2019
Marie Charlier is a French filmmaker based in Hamburg, Germany.
She has a Bachelor's Degree in film studies, philosophy and German language from the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG).
After graduating, she moved to Germany where she started working for an advertising film production. Now, she works as a freelancer for all kinds of films, such as advertising, tv and cinema productions, as well as developing her own projects.
Her fist feature film "Small Steps - They Keep West Africa Going" is an independent documentary film (no budget), shot in The Gambia. It introduces Gabriel "Gabu" Jarjue as the only orthopedic technician of the West African region, and shows his skills and values, which support his daily work, as he helps the most misfortunate people in his own country. The film's topics are European support in West Africa, African emigration and local & sustainable development.
The filmmaker is just back from her second shoot in The Gambia, where she documented the situation of disabled women and their issues in this poor country. The portraits of these women give their insights on their work as tailor and the support they need in order to remain independent women.
I'm interested in telling captivating stories, wether it is documentary or fiction.