Aren’t We All Just Wacky Creatures?
I am Solomon Sloan, an aspiring animator and artist who lives in Monterey, California. Being raised in Maryland for fourteen years has allowed me to have a certain admiration for arts and culture, including those outside of the United States. I was raised in a mixed household that welcomed many cultures and inspired me towards making the world a better place. My biggest inspirations for art have always been the works of Jim Henson and his band of puppeteers, for the Muppets and their related works have always shown me the magic that you can pull off with the medium of film. From a creative standpoint, I love to animate my own cartoons in a mini series called Wacky Creatures, focusing on original short stories which I upload to my YouTube channel Sloan Presents. In addition, I work along with my brothers and friends, who often help voice act several characters for the series. At my school, Monterey High School, I have become quite involved with the Art, Media and Performance Academy (AMP), where I have submitted work for different art festivals and have even become the main sound designer for the Monterey High School productions. I am always thrilled to share my art and stories with the people closest to me and those who I have merely met, for compassion and honesty between people of different perspectives are what I admire most as an artist.
High School
Monterey High School
Digital Arts
Birth Date
December 19, 2007
Birth City
Greenbelt, Maryland
Current City
Monterey, California
Clinton, Maryland
Eye Color
Zodiac Sign
Has allergies to egg, milk, nuts and bad people
“Life’s like a movie, write your own ending.” - Jim Henson
Aren’t We All Just Wacky Creatures?
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