Shesham | Charcoal animated short film
"Shesham" is a charcoal-animated short film that delves into the profound themes of life, death, and the afterlife. The story follows a man who is confronted by his daughter's questions about death, sparking memories of his own strained relationship with his father. As he reflects on these memories, he embarks on a journey to find answers and make peace with his father's passing. Inspired by personal experiences, the film explores the emotional and physical challenges that arise after losing someone close, offering a heartfelt reflection on grief and healing.
Abhijith K SDirector
Abhijith K SWriter
IIT BombayProducer
Abhineeth AjayKey Cast"Father"
Swathi SreekumarKey Cast"Child"
Apoorva JnaanMusic
Ananda BathenaVoice recording
Abhijith K SEditing
Diwaker KuppanEditing
Project Title (Original Language):ശേഷം
Project Type:Animation, Experimental, Short, Student
Runtime:6 minutes 23 seconds
Completion Date:June 30, 2022
Country of Origin:India
Country of Filming:India
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:4:3
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - IIT Bombay
Abhijith K S is an Illustrator, Animator and Storyteller hailing from the culturally vibrant city of Thrissur, Kerala. Rooted in a place steeped in artistic heritage, Abhijith has always been captivated by the narratives woven into his upbringing and experiences.
Abhijith completed his Bachelors and Masters in Visual Communication from IDC School of Design IIT Bombay in 2023.