Nick spots a sweet girl in his area that he becomes interested in, yet he loses her wanting to get to her and talk. He sees her again in his neighborhood park, excited yet she makes a call and leaves her book. Seeing her once more in a shop plaza he strives to return said book, but things change.
Dean MilanDirector
Nicholas AlvaradoDirector
Dean MilanWriter
Richard KidderWriter
Nicholas RamosWriter
Tati Del CarpioWriter
Nicholas AlvaradoWriter
Dean MilanProducer
Nicholas AlvaradoProducer
Ricky KidderKey Cast"Ricky"
Nicholas AlvaradoKey Cast"Nick"
Tati Del CarpioKey Cast"Tati"
Project Type:Music Video, Short, Student
Runtime:3 minutes 41 seconds
Completion Date:May 2, 2019
Production Budget:150 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:4K Blackmagic RAW Q0
Aspect Ratio:2.35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Filmed in BrowardWeston, Florida
United States
July 19, 2019
Distribution Information
YoutubeCountry: United StatesRights: Internet