Sea Relatives
Trilce, a biologist from CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research), investigates artisanal fishing in the Paraná River, through the story of fishers. A journey to an austere and ancestral world.
Camila VillarruelDirector
Camila VillarruelWriter
Camila VillarruelProducer
Pamela CarlinoProducer
Project Title (Original Language):Parientes del mar
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:Social issues
Runtime:1 hour 3 minutes
Completion Date:December 1, 2019
Production Budget:40,000 USD
Country of Origin:Argentina
Country of Filming:Argentina
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Festival Nacional DocumentalRosario
July 2, 2019
Official Selection -
Espacio Santafesino Award 2017Rosario
Digital documentary, Espacio Santafesino Award 2017 -
National Arts Fund Award 2019Rosario
National Arts Fund Grant 2019
Camila Villarruel
32 años (04/01/1987), Argentina, Soltera. DNI 32.657.136 +5493415040622
Mi nombre es Camila Villarruel, tengo 32 años, soy de San Pedro (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Vivo en Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina) desde el año 2010. Soy Comunicadora social, fotógrafa y realizadora audiovisual.
Recientemente terminé mi primer largometraje documental “Parientes del mar” acerca de los pescadores artesanales del río Paraná, proyecto del cual soy guionista, directora, productora general y montajista. En 2017 fue premiado por Espacio Santafesino (Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina) con USD 20.000, con lo cual pude iniciar la realización profesional de lo que en ese momento era solo un proyecto personal. El documental fue seleccionado recientemente por el Festival Nacional Documental y recibió allí una mención del Movimiento de Documentalistas Argentinos por “su entrañable mirada hacia quienes viven a la vera del río, adentrándose en sus vidas”.
Actualmente trabajo como fotógrafa y realizadora freelance en mi productora Río Rosa, realizando labores en proyectos cinematográficos independientes como productora, montajista y directora. Además realizo coberturas fotográficas periodísticas para la revista MU LA VACA, radicada en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Silent images of riverside landscapes; fishers going out to work tell their stories of life, anecdotes, joys and sorrows. The interweaving of all these stories assemble a puzzle in which a particular way of life is outlined, different, almost isolated, stopped in time.
Sea Relatives is a feature documentary about the artisanal fishers of the Paraná River, but it also represents a universal culture of the art of fishing, simple, austere and persistent in time, which may well resemble the universal principles of the Tao. The documentary does not only speak of the culture and way of life of the locals of the Paraná river, but both the inspiration for the search of these stories and for their subsequent selection are based on a journey along the coastal towns of different places in Latin America. This trip that made the scriptwriter and director of the film allowed her to observe that there are networks that connect large groups of people who maintain old customs and share, without knowing it, worldviews and attitudes in front of the adversities of life.
In addition, the permanent contact with the splendor of nature results in a special relationship between fishers and their environment, which the documentary tries to represent through its different narrative and compositional elements.
For all this we trust that the documentary is of particular interest not only within the coastal region where the waters of the Paraná River run, but represents something larger that can be seen and interpreted with a regional vision of Latin America from anywhere in the world.
It represents a world that fights against oblivion, to avoid becoming invisible, to not dissapear. And in this sense, facing the times that are running, the story becomes current and urgent.