Experiencing Interruptions?

Kadal (Sea)

As sea level rises, two brothers are forced to evacuate their house in Ubin island and leave behind the only memory of their parents, family and childhood.

  • Parthiban
  • Parthiban | Laavania Krishnna
  • Devamanikandan Kannaya Somu
    Producer | Director of Photogrpahy
  • Ashvin Segar
  • A Panneeirchelvam
    Key Cast
  • Jayaram Ramaiya
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    11 minutes 35 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    July 1, 2018
  • Production Budget:
    15,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
    Malaysia, Singapore
  • Language:
    English, Tamil
  • Shooting Format:
    4K on Arri Alexa Mini
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Parthiban

Parthiban is a Singaporean filmmaker who loves to tell the story that lies around us. Holding a diploma in Film, Sound & Video under Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Parthiban has been working as a TV producer and an Assistant Director since 2014. His television features and dramas have won numerous awards at New York Festivals and Asian Television Awards. He is currently about to embark his Bachelor of Fine Arts under NTU Singapore.

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Director Statement

Most of us fail to realise that ‘Nature’ is a reflection of Humans.
What we do to them, would eventually come back to us.
Maybe the best word is not ‘Reflection’, it’s called ‘Boomerang’.

Kadal’s storyline is universal – Leaving behind something we love. It could be anything to anyone. Relationship, money, fame, but to my characters is their life. In a nutshell, Kadal is about hope. The hope that we wish to secure for our future generation. The hope of seeing a beautiful sunrise over greenery fields.

Topics such as Global warming and rising sea level might sound like a bunch of Geography topics. The pamphlets and documentaries about such topics are either too sophisticated or boring to even look at it. Even my dad says, floods… cold temperatures and storm is not going to hit Singapore. But we are wrong. I need my viewers to come to reality, to realise that we, Singapore and Singaporeans are also a possible victim of climate change.

Anything can happen anytime, and we all blame the nature. But climate changes are not sudden choice of Mother Earth. It’s just a boomerang effect on what we did to our world, now hitting us back. We all have a part to play in it. Saving the earth is every individual's responsibility. Maybe it’s too late to prevent, but it’s never too late to realise the reality, make the right moves and save our Earth.

And I hope after watching Kadal, maybe you would turn off your lights when you don’t need it.