First ever feature screenplay contest for mobile friendly screenplays. Our goal is to reach new readers and broader audience for both emerging and established screenwriters. With Scriptmobile Mobile Screenplay Contest, your screenplays are placed into new and different form. Our contest encourages screenwriters to have their screenplays formatted for mobile devices. All screenplays will be read and judged straight from mobile devices. To get a closer look, go to
In addition, Scriptmobile Mobile Screenplay Contest looks for the best and most entertaining screenplays yet to be produced from emerging and established screenwriters. Awards are given to the most original, creative and entertaining screenplays and the most talented screenwriters.
First Prize: Award Certificate, Mobile App/Game
Second Prize: Award Certificate, Mobile App/Game
Third Prize: Award Certificate, Mobile App/Game
Best Mobile Action Script Award Certificate
Best Mobile Adventure Script Award Certificate
Best Mobile Sci-fi Script Award Certificate
Best Mobile Thriller Script Award Certificate
Best Mobile Animation Script Award Certificate
Best Mobile Drama Script Award Certificate