Showcase your best scene at the Scene It Awards, a film event that celebrates the craft of creating iconic scenes. Whether your scene is from a short, a feature, or an unproduced screenplay, pick your best scene and submit it for a chance to prove you’ve got what it takes to keep the audience hooked!

We all choose to highlight a specific scene from a recent film we watched when discussing it with friends and colleagues. The Scene It Awards was established to celebrate the careful crafts that go into creating a lasting scene. Since scenes can sometimes make or break a film/screenplay, we want to showcase the best scenes out there and celebrate that very particular achievement.

Best Scene (sponsored by Chemical Wedding)*
Best Direction (sponsored by Chemical Wedding)*
Best Cinematography (sponsored by Chemical Wedding)*
Best Performance
Best Editing
Best Score
Best Sound
Best Dialogue
Best Written Scene

* These categories are sponsored by Chemical Wedding, the creators of the Emmy award-winning director's viewfinder app, Artemis Pro. The winner of Best Scene, Best Director and Best Cinematography will received a free download of the Artemis Pro app, courtesy of Chemical Wedding (

Each Officially Selected entry will be given a star rating, as well as an Official Selection laurel.

Winners will be awarded official Scene It Awards certificates that will be sent via email, as well as the winning laurel.

There will also be one "Finalist" laurel for each category.

Entries must be a single scene of a maximum of five minutes in duration from the same film (in the case of screenplays, a single scene of a maximum of six consecutive pages from the same scene are allowed per entry. Title pages are will not be counted as a page).

Screenplays must be unproduced and must be submitted in English.

Screenplays must be presented in industry standard format, with scene numbering. Screenplays not presented in industry standard format will be disqualified.

Entrants may enter multiple entries. Multiple entries may be from the same film, or a different film. Multiple entries must be made separately.

Entries can be in any language (English subtitles are required for non-english language scenes. Non-english language entries without subtitles will be disqualified).

Narrative entries only (drama, action, horror, thriller, sci-fi, animation). No documentaries, experimental or music videos are accepted.

If you submit your whole film or screenplay, you must provide the timecodes/pages for the beginning and end of your scene entry in the following format: “hh:mm:ss-hh:mm:ss” for film submissions, and “p#-p#, scene #” for screenplay submissions.

Entrants can submit from anywhere in the world.

Entries must not be older than three years of the submitted awards date.

Submission fees are non-refundable.

No premiere status required.

The premiere status of your film is not affected as we are only considering scenes and not the entire film.

Screenplays that are already optioned but not yet produced are eligible to submit.

By submitting your scene to Scene It Awards, you agree that Scene It Awards and its sponsors and partners may use the scene in its entirety, clips from the scene and stills from the scene for marketing and advertising purposes, including but not limited to the festival trailer, press and TV coverage, Scene It Awards publications and others. You also agree that by submitting your scene to Scene It Awards, Scene It Awards and its sponsors and partners may use clips and stills from all parts of the film for marketing and advertising purposes, including, but not limited to, the festival trailer, press and TV coverage, Scene It Awards/third party publications and others.

Scene It Awards will not share excerpts from winning screenplays.

Entries previously submitted for competition to past editions of the awards are not eligible for re-submission, unless authorised at the discretion of Scene It Awards. Please contact before re-submitting.

Scene It Awards may accept submissions through a number of submission platforms, but please ensure that you only submit your scene once.

The submission fee may be waived for entries if the applicant resides in a least economically developed country as defined by the UN and cannot afford to pay western fees (click here for a list of qualifying countries). Please get in touch in these cases.

These rules are subject to change without prior notice.


Can I submit a work in progress? Yes, as long as the completed submission is with us by one week after the final deadline. Only one version will be considered. If the completed version is not submitted within a week of the final deadline, we will consider the original entry.

Will this affect my film’s premiere status? No. We are not considering or screening your whole film. Therefore, you can enter whenever your scene is ready.

Is there a premiere status requirement? No.
Can I submit a short? Your scene can be from a short film, a feature film, or if you have produced a scene (e.g. as a pitch).

Do you accept shorts that are already available online? Yes.

Do you grant fee waivers? No fee waivers are offered.

What if my film is two hours long? Just send us the timecode of the scene you want us to consider when entering. We will only watch between these timecodes, so please be careful when entering them.

What if I’ve made a mistake in the timecodes or page/scene number I sent? Send us an email within a week of your submission with the corrected timecodes.