A group of friends play a cursed game off the dark web, that leads to sinister consequences.
Daniel ZaitounDirector
Alene BoghosianWriter
Daniel ZaitounWriter
Matthew BaltarWriter
Matthew BaltarProducer
Sloan MartinKey Cast
Matthew BaltarKey Cast
Nikolai BonshireKey Cast
Matthew BaltarCinematographer
Daniel ZaitounCinematographer
Simon WangCinematographer
Daniel ZaitounEditors
Simon WangEditors
Matthew BaltarComposer
Daniel Zaitounsound design
Simon Wangsound design
Project Type:Short, Student
Genres:Comedy, Horror
Runtime:7 minutes 43 seconds
Completion Date:December 12, 2021
Production Budget:200 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:SonyFX6, A7S3 DSLR
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - George Mason University
I grew up in Richmond, Virginia and attend college at George Mason University.
When coming up with the concept for “Scarades”, I had a pretty clear picture of what I wanted it to be. A small-scale, easy to shoot short film, that would be a mix of comedy and horror, something I’ve never done before. Yet quickly, this became so much more.
Working with my amazing crew, we made a simple concept into something quite impressive for a film this small-scale. Production was even better, the actors nailing their lines and improving upon scenes I thought to be completed, was amazing to be apart of.
This film will always be special to me because of this experience, and working with close friends on something we all were enthusiastic about was a thrill. Hopefully, viewers can sit back and enjoy an amusing and intriguing story to remember.