A basketball rivalry between two teams Mastan-YMCA and Nagpada Basketball Association has not only improved the livelihood of people of Nagpada, but also provide means of entertainment and recreation to them. The senior coaches of these two teams share their experiences,journey and aspirations related to Basketball,the Rivalry and Nagpada.
Aman KawdeDirector
Aman Manish KawdeProducer
Arnav SisodiaDialogues
Aman KawdeScript Supervisor
Arnav SisodiaCinematographer
Krish JoshiCinematographer
Swaroop SinghEditor
Aditya KambleBackground Score
Deepak YadavSound
Shweta SoomaneyPoster
Deepak YadavSubtitlle
Anjum RajabaliVoiceover
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:4 minutes 46 seconds
Completion Date:November 8, 2023
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:India
Country of Filming:India
Language:English, Hindi
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - Whistling Woods International
Having always played football and cricket throughout my childhood I never really tried any other game. On joining a basketball group at the age of 16 I became aware of how difficult this sport is and what all it takes for athletes to achieve what they want. On visiting the Mastan YMCA. Ground as a friend’s team was playing against Mastan Ymca, I went to support. And to my surprise,Nagpada a place about which I have only read bad about in the newspaper or seen stand up comedy about Nagpada,I was stunned to see the players from Nagpada thrashing my friends team which included a few state level players. I was curious to know about when,why and how did this basketball culture emerged in Nagpada. On researching I found out that there was a point when plenty of teams used to play in Nagpada. However only two till today practice and are yet engaged in their good old rivalry. With knowing more about how basketball has improved the lives of people of Nagpada, I sensed this is a story which needs to be told.