A socially awkward teenager with unique culinary gifts finds himself alone in a nowhere town when his alcoholic mother wrecks their car and lands in jail. Turmoil leads to a journey of self-reliance and discovery as he searches for his long-lost father, makes new friends, and finds local fame for his cooking...until his secret ingredient is revealed.
Maureen MahonWriter
Project Type:Screenplay
Genres:Drama, Comedy, Coming of Age, Magical Realism
Number of Pages:116
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Maureen has worked in all aspects of film, television and music production. She worked in Business Affairs at The Samuel Goldwyn Company and New Line Cinema, in addition to the entertainment law firm, Gang, Tyre, Ramer & Brown. Maureen has received critical acclaim for her screenwriting and is currently working as a writer-for-hire and producer on several feature projects.