"Sprouts of Resilience" is a captivating short film that vividly explores the delicate interplay between human effort and nature's uncontrollable forces. When Jules and Maggie's sprout farm becomes engulfed by a relentless aphid infestation, the film serves as a powerful metaphor for nature reclaiming its territory. Amidst the chaos, the mother-daughter relationship lands in a space of profound transformation, mirroring the changing landscape around them. As they adapt to the challenges together, their bond strengthens, and they discover new depths of resilience and harmony, beautifully symbolizing the intertwining of human life with the ever-changing cycles of nature.
Allie YonickDirector
Mara Da Costa ReisWriter
Rebecca BidnerProducer
Imogen WhilstKey Cast"Jules"
Allegra FultonKey Cast"Maggie"
Project Type:Short
Runtime:8 minutes 27 seconds
Completion Date:February 1, 2024
Country of Origin:Canada
Country of Filming:Canada
Shooting Format:Alexa mini
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No