April 7-9, 2021
Warrensburg, Missouri
on the campus of the University of Central Missouri
Submission is exclusively through FilmFreeway.com.
All questions should be directed to: filmfest@ucmo.edu
September 1 – Show Me Justice Film Festival opens for submissions
November 1 Regular deadline
Following categories are:
Short Feature Documentary
– Films over 20 minutes but under 60 minutes. Documentary films should address the theme of social justice, though that theme can be interpreted broadly and imaginatively. Elements of films that are represented as documentary films should have a direct connection to actual events, people, and/or places. Any straying from truthful depictions should be clearly noted. Generally speaking, we expect the standards of journalistic integrity from films entered under the documentary category. By submitting a film in this category, filmmakers take full responsibility for the assertions in their films.
Short Feature Narrative
– Films over 20 minutes but under 60 minutes. Fictionally-based narrative films should address the theme of social justice in some way, though that theme can be interpreted broadly and imaginatively.
Narrative Shorts
– Short (less than 20 minutes) films that have a clearly defined narrative flow and follow the conventions of fictional filmmaking (whether the story is based on actual events or not) that address a social justice theme.
Documentary Shorts
– Documentary Shorts (under 20 minutes) include films that are based on actual events, persons, locations, etc. that address a social justice theme (see short feature documentary above for more detailed description of documentary).
Experimental Shorts & Animated Shorts
– Experimental Shorts (under 20 minutes) encompasses any films that may not fall under the description of documentary or narrative, including music videos or Animated Shorts (under 20 minutes) that may encompass any genre that address a social justice theme.
Missouri High School Students with a social justice theme. This is part of the Missouri
High School workshop day at the festival. This is open to all Missouri High School Students. Students will be required to show proof of current high school registration.
International High School Competition. Any High School student may submit a social justice themed film in this category. This is open to any High School Student in the world. Students will be required to show proof of current high school registration.
The films selected for screening will compete for prizes (trophy sculptures created by a local artist for our festival and a cash award of $100 to $300, pending funding) based on their artistic competence, creativity, and exploration of the festival theme as judged by the Show Me Justice Film Festival screeners.
The filmmaker must secure all rights, licenses, clearances and releases necessary for exhibition.
All categories require online screeners for judging (if password protected, please also provide the password). The festival reserves the right to place short film entries in alternative categories than those originally submitted as the judges deem appropriate for the form, content, and programming of the festival.
All films should be submitted online digitally through FilmFreeway.com.
Films must be available for screening during the Show Me Justice Film Festival, April 7-8, 2016. Selection for screening will be determined no later than one month prior to the festival, though we anticipate notifying films selected to screen at the Show Me Justice Film Festival in late January.
Once an entry payment has been processed we cannot provide a refund. If a payment is disputed, the account holder may be subject to any fees.
If your film is accepted for screening at Show Me Justice Film Festival, you agree and understand the following:
FORMAT: The filmmaker agrees to provide the festival a copy of the film for festival screening as an h.264 .mov data file. If Blue-Ray is available for short features, we will attempt to make accommodations to screen in it in that format, but a back up .mov file is still required.
SHIPPING: The filmmaker is responsible for the arrangements and cost of shipping the screening copy to the Show Me Justice Film Festival along with press kit materials.
PUBLICITY: Upon request, the filmmaker will supply the festival with stills and other press materials in digital file format. In addition, the filmmaker should be available for interviews prior to and during the festival.
LOSS & DAMAGE: Every precaution will be taken to safeguard films, and publicity materials while they are in the possession of the festival. However, if loss or damage occurs, the festival cannot accept or assume responsibility.